Had so many references to the “lads” that I was inspired to seek out some work I’d done at the old house
Finished in Adjust 5
Cool concept …
This is fab, Terry! Great concept and excecution
Great composition. If not just right just move the frame. You have to clone out the chair Love it.
This image is blowing my mind. The one set of legs appears to be a reflection whereas the other appears to be viewed through an empty frame.
Thanks @BobKramer @Laundromat for the positive feedback
@Michigander - point taken about the chair - thought about several times over the 3 yrs since I took the images and made a first attempt but I like the imbalance which the chair brings — it’s visually disturbing.
@Kathy_9 - it’s thought provoking - is it not?
It is a combo of 4 images
Cool, fun, creative and thought provoking… well done!
Marvelous! This has an Escher"esque" look that I really like!
Extremely creative, love the title