Here, there and everywhere

Had so many references to the “lads” that I was inspired to seek out some work I’d done at the old house
Finished in Adjust 5


Cool concept …

This is fab, Terry! Great concept and excecution

Great composition. If not just right just move the frame. You have to clone out the chair :slight_smile: Love it.

This image is blowing my mind. The one set of legs appears to be a reflection whereas the other appears to be viewed through an empty frame.

Thanks @BobKramer @Laundromat for the positive feedback
@Michigander - point taken about the chair - thought about several times over the 3 yrs since I took the images and made a first attempt but I like the imbalance which the chair brings — it’s visually disturbing.
@Kathy_9 - it’s thought provoking - is it not?

It is a combo of 4 images


Cool, fun, creative and thought provoking… well done!

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Marvelous! This has an Escher"esque" look that I really like!

thanks @cre8art @techman - - objective achieved

Extremely creative, love the title :guitar:

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@KenKv The prompt came from yourself when you mentioned the Beatles