H265 High Setting not shown on certain machine

H265 High profile is not showing up for one of machines, and I am wondering if there are any CPU spec requirements for that profile.

I have two machines:

    1. Ryzen 7950X, RTX 3090, Windows 10
    1. Ryzen 5600G, RTX 3090, Windows 10

Only the 1st one shows H265 High option. The second one only shows Main and Main 10, no High option.

Both have latest drivers and OS kernels, and currently on v4.2.1.0 (reproduced the issue with previous versions).

As you can see, the only difference is CPU gen. Do anyone know any details about this behavior? Thanks for you input in advance!

“H265 High” is only available on AMD Radeon Graphics devices (both dedicated GPUs and integrated GPUs).

Are the latest Radeon Graphics drivers installed on the 5600G system? It’s possible that the app is not detecting the integrated GPU and hiding the H265 High option.

That makes sense. I don’t see iGPU on the task manager so it could have been disabled in BIOS. I will check the settings and let you know if I still encounter the same issue.

Thanks for your clarification!

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But when activated iGPU on the AMD CPU, will the RTX Cards also work with H265 High preset or only the AMD iGPU ?? I have an Ryzen 9 7900 with iGPU …

In that case, AI models will run on the selected “AI Processor” in the app’s preferences and then send frames to the iGPU for encoding.

So then RTX cards will work with 265 MAIN10 and the iGPU AMD in 265 HIGH10? Correct?
How will this diferences afect the result video?

Two diferent qualitys on same video?? …

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I believe what @tony.topazlabs meant is that RTX cards are used for running models to generate frames, and then AMD’s iGPU is used for encoding the frames into a video file. The H.265 things are only related to the encoding part. I also believe choosing Main versus High has an almost indistinguishable perceptual quality difference, while the High setting can produce a smaller file size.

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