On certain B&W or Sepia images GPAI 4.3.1 adds colour to lips and eyes and inserts eyes where sunglasses are.
That is interesting, particularly the eyes where there were glasses. Out of interest what was the format of the source image?
That is only a preview, can you post a screenshot of the problem areas at 100% from the generated enlargement please.
The original image is 900x623 24bit JPG. An archive photo from 1944 I think.
Here is a crop @ 100% from a 6x scaling:
It also seems to feminise these men’s faces.
I had a first try on an old scanned b&w photo and had the same experience. Looks like it cannot handle eyes properly. I will do some more examples and see how they work.
Seems rather creepy… I guess if you were trying to make zombies or horror type images with distorted heads and features, then it would be fine.
Please raise a Technical Support request at the Topaz Labs main website.
Looks like hand-tinting was done as well as the creepy eye overlays.
I have yet to update (still on v4.1.2) but noted this in the Changelog
v 4.3.1
August 15, 2019
- Toggle in right panel to enable and disable Face Refinement
- Face Refinement will detect small faces (16x16px - 64x64px) and apply targeted improved upsampling
So, I wonder a little like settings can affect processing speed ~ how does “Face Refinement” enable or disable affect the output that is being reported here???