Gigapixel AI 7.0.0 Install - uninstall.exe for Gigapixel 6.1.0 not found

Error message:

Windows cannot find ‘C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI\IUninstall.exe’.
Make sure you typed the name correctly, then try again.

I looked in the folder and it does not exist.

I am using Windows 10 with latest release patches.

I have Gigapixel 6.3.3 currently installed and working.

Fred Kuhlman


This is a known conflict for Gigapixel AI v7. We’ve found that following the steps below has solved this.

  1. Delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI folder from the default installation path - C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI
    Note: If you didn’t install Gigapixel AI in the default installation location, it will not be in the path above.

  2. Open the app Registry Editor on your machine and delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI folder from the registry below.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI
  1. Download a fresh installer for Gigapixel AI v7 from our Topaz Labs Download Page.

Let me know if this resolves your conflict.


I ran into a similar issue in Windows 11 when using the internal updater in Gigapixel AI 6.x to upgrade to v7. After the update, Gigapixel 7 would not run. I tried uninstalling and re-installing and it still would not run. Following the logic above, I uninstalled Gigapixel AI 7.0.0 and deleted the Gigapixel AI folder. It was not necessary to modify the Registry because the folder was no longer listed there.

Then I re-installed Gigapixel 7.0.0 and problem solved. Now it’s running. So it appears that anyone on Windows 10/11 upgrading to v7 will have to completely remove the previous version, including the folder, before installing.


Thanks. I was having the same issue updating from 6.3.3 and the thought of editing the registry filled me with existential dread. But I deleted the app, folders and Start Menu shortcuts then launched the 7.0 installer – zero issues.

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I had the same issue.My workaround was - when asked for the directory where the new installation and data should be placed, which was the default in earlier version 6.3.3, to change them to a new name, for instance c:\program files\topaz Labs LLC \Topaz Labs Gigapixel 7. After the next step you are asked to uninstall the former version. Then you get the question that the link to the former version 6.0.0 cannot be found and you are asked to try to uninstall it anyway. Answer YES and after that the new version 7.0.0 is installed in the changed name of the directory - …\Gigapixel 7 - and the former directory is deleted. This solved my installation problem

Sjoerd Woudstra

I see the this has been resolved but I wanted to offer our known fix for this conflict.

  1. Delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI folder from the default installation path - C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI
    Note: If you didn’t install Gigapixel AI in the default installation location, it will not be in the path above.

  2. Open the app Registry Editor on your machine and delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI folder from the registry below.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI
  1. Download a fresh installer for Gigapixel AI v7 from our Topaz Labs Download Page.
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I let GPAI 7 install into it’s default location. My GPAI 6 is at a slightly different location (Topaz Labs versus the new Topaz Labs LLC). The install proceeded normally, and now I have both still installed and running properly.

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Ditto with the same issue. I just deleted the entire folder for Topaz Gigapixel and it also removed the shortcut in the Start Menu but I had to delete the shortcut on my desktop. Installed the new version and works like a charm!

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In-Program Update from 6.3.3 → ran into same issue (uninstaller not found - fails).
investigated and found the procedure here.
5 months after start of this thread … Installer should either fix the issue or at least detect and point to a solution.

What if I don’t want to reinstall it? I just want to uninstall

If you prefer to uninstall, you’ll simply avoid downloading a new installer for Gigapixel.

I don’t understand this at all! I want to uninstall but it won’t let me. The other responses to this problem have suggested reinstalling and then upgrading, which is not what I want to do.