Garden Lupin

Topaz Studio, using my Flower Power preset with masking


Great preset results, like how the flowers came out with the wonderful style & colors against the nice bkgd.


such a beautiful result


Lovely result …

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nice and clear image

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Super work …

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great one

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Beautiful! Which program is the preset for - Topaz Studio?

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I’ve called the preset Flower Power. I’ll check that it is shared, please feel free to use it.


Thanks very much @Mond for sharing the preset, I really like the results it produces.

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You’re welcome. You are lucky you can use Community Presets in Studio, they just crash my computer.

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Funny thing just happened? … on my Mac, when selecting a community preset I just started getting the spinning beach ball. This never happened before… until I upgraded to v.1.0.7? Have to log off the forum and see if it still happens? Will let you know.

@mond Yes, selecting community presets now crashes my Mac too?
Have you notified Topaz about this with a ticket?

I found a work around for now that you may want to try… it has worked for me on my Mac.

In Studio find the preset you want to try in the Community, write down the name(s) you want. Then go back to Featured and in the window where it says Featured type in the name of the community preset you chose. It will appear, click on it and it will apply the preset to your image… save it as a fave, and it will appear in your favs and you will be able to use it.

I tried this with your Flower Power preset and a few others and it worked?

Let me know if it works for you? Also if you notified Topaz of this issue, I guess I will have to submit a ticket and crash report as well? Don’t know if Topaz is checking the forum for issues?

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OK, thanks for the workaround, another one to add to my list which seems to grow daily. Each time they release a new update I live in hope to see some of the major issues resolved but it’s usually just a disappointing minor tweak. I’ve given up telling them, I’m sure they know and are working on it.

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Love the soft colors and treatment.

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I kinda feel the same way…But did the workaround work for you?

Yes, it worked fine. I have to say that I had less problems with the original beta version than I do with the current release. Sometimes I think maybe they need to go back and start again.

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Glad to hear the work-around worked, it also frustrates me when updates fix one issue and create others? :upside_down: