Quick question, i just started experimenting with Topaz since i want to upscale some of my Blu-Rays (waited for too long and no UHD releases in sight) and i was wondering if i should just use Gaia or use Gaia And Theia together.
Would that offer anything or would it make things worse? From what i see each of them focuses on different things but again i just started experimenting with topaz and well, leaving my system on for 24 hours only to find out i didn’t have to use both (no benefit) seemed too much.
A bit like yourself, I am looking at improving a lifetime of collected video. For the last 6 months, I have been busy on DVDs and have been amazed at how good TVAI is compared to the other products I tried. I have worked through all the different models and found good combinations for late 70’s classics (mainly Morse and the like which are not generally available on Blu-Ray).
I am now turning my attention to 720p and 1080p sources rather than 576i and I am finding it’s a whole different game trying to get the gob-smacking results I’ve got on DVDs.
In addition to the change in format, the source is inevitably huge compared to the lower resolutions which means results are harder to come by.
I’ve found the preview facilities in TVAI are ok, but you are limited to just a very short section of, say, a 2 hour video. So if you just go forward with this export, when you come to watch the whole show, different scenes and environments don’t look so good.
I was working with an NVIDIA 3050 laptop which was great, but nowhere powerful enough to do more than a minute or so of encoding. So I shelled out on a 4070Ti PC which is about 4 times as quick.
The approach I am trying now is to take a few slices with Avidemux and run them through on the larger machine.
The results are ok, but I am getting a bit frustrated trying to see different outcomes with Theia (Fidelity or Details?), Gaia et al.
I can’t seem to find any tutorials more detailed than the Janet-and-John ‘getting started’ stuff.
Additionally, Google is no longer my friend - when I search looking for any ideas, all I seem to find is sites looking to clip the ticket.
So I was looking at starting a thread when I saw your post.
How did you move forward?
Any luck?
Did you find any info or reasources?
I’ve been searching all over for something someone posted a few days ago. It was about using Proteus 3 and Fix Focus being the best. The search on here is useless.
To be honest I’ve tried everything, Theia and Gaia, Gaia and Theia, Theia and Theia (Fidelity/Detail), Artemis and Artemis (MQ/HQ), Proteus and Artemis, Proteus and Gaia, nothing seems to be doing what I’d like it to. Some combinations even produce a worse result than the original.
Also something I found strange, Artemis allows you to recover detail but the higher you set it the softer/blurry it makes the picture instead of sharpening it.
I guess we are still not at a point where a software suite can clean and optimize a video, not to a significant amount anyways.
Best overall is Proteus for FHD to 4K, but it still suffers some training on some textures treating it as noise, but is insane to parameter. You’ll have to find many sample to fine tune manually. Don’t even hope for a 1st try godlkie quality.
Gaia is useless
Theia is fine for sharpening an allready good 4K output
Nyx rox the hell for denoising
I always dual model with x4 upsampling , which consumes a lot of CPU+GPU+RAM. This is the price to pay to output something REALLY good.
Proteus makes low quality movie clips like Anime at times, don’t really like it and yes i spend a bit of time tweaking it.
My problem is not with HIGH quality material but with LOW (low light ones usually taken by IP cameras) and i can’t find a proper combo for such clips.
it may help to upscale the video without any enhancement first, then use proteus after, so the model has more pixel to work with. lanczos in hybrid, or gaia cq, or proteus v4 all value at 0 should do a pretty good job at that.
lifting up the shadows to reveal more details (if they exist) before enhancement should also increase the quality of the video and the subsequent result.