Are there any Plans for Implementing GIFs with Photo AI or Gigapixel AI?
No plans yet, I’m afraid! You may be able to work with GIFs if you separate the frames into an image sequence, though, and process as a batch. Then you can re-combine the frames into a GIF after processing.
This morning I was eagerly anticipating attempting to add frames to some GIF files through frame interpolation and discovered that Topaz Labs isn’t capable of doing that. Is there some reason there are no plans to include GIF among other popular visual file formats for conversion? Apparently I can even alter NUT files with Topaz Labs, but not GIF?
Thank you for your suggestion! The ability to add frames to GIF files through frame interpolation is part of our Ideas section, and it will be reviewed by our development team for possible support in future updates.
I’m not familiar with NUT files or how Photo AI would support them. Could you provide more clarity on what NUT files are and how you envision them being used with Photo AI? This will help us better understand your request.