Feature Request: Alpha Channel Output

Suppose you have imported a video which contains an alpha channel (using HAP-alpha codec or H265).

It would be useful if the VEAI render would retain the alpha channel when outputting to a PNG frame sequence.

If the developers are curious to experiment with some footage which contains alpha, here are some examples. https://www.jasonfletcher.info/vjloops/

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Yes please, +1000 for alpha channel output. PNG image sequences are a great format, quicktime Prores 4444 would be good too.


Yes, this is definitely something we need as well.


Bumping this thread. Alpha channel support would be handy for slowing down and/or upscaling 3D rendered assets before they are comped. This could be part of a pretty powerful workaround to avoid long 3D render times.


Why is this not a thing yet? ^_'^


YES PLEEEASEEEEE! ALPHA EXPORT FTW!!! Just tried to improve a green screen key result with your software. worked pretty well. Would be killer if it was possible to keep the alpha channel during export!


+1 please


Yes. I’m surprised Topaz Video AI isn’t already supporting the Alpha Channel. It’s great to be able to upscale old elements, but losing the alpha is a big let down.


Yepp, bumpely bumper!! We need alpha for CG stuffs! :slight_smile:


prores 4444 would be awesome!


I work in 3d, so we very regularly render out MANY channels out into EXRs, not just alphas.

I would also very much like to see Quicktime ProRez 4444 support. But would be even better would be if there was a way to load layered EXRs and have the same Time distortions happen to ALL the channels. I understand this may be impossible with Depth or position passes due to the RGB channels carrying specific data. But having a 3d render with matts all slowed down or sped up at the same time would be AWSOME!!!


Absolutely need alpha support, please.
Perfect workflow would be to handle EXR (which is typically gamma 1.0), display it in gamma 2.2 or gamma 2.4 space, and process in floating point space with alpha channels.

As mentioned above ideally it would handle multi-channel EXRs as well, though even RGBA would be a massive improvement.



Yes, please implement basic RGBA support at least for simple 8 bit formats, eg. PNG.
It is a must for any use case beyond final image upscale/retime.

Thanks a lot!

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I would say at minimum 16bit int support. Haven’t used 8bit images in about 15 years. For VFX 16bit is minimum, with floating point being the ideal of course.

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For any serious post production operator, RGBA up-rez output is essential…expecially for composited video created in 3D apps like Blender with alpha channel in HD to up-rez to UHD to a .mov without creating an unwieldy png/tif image sequence. Frankly i’m surprised this has not be addressed much earlier on.

Without this feature…not sure if I will continue use Topaz VEAI…certainly not willing to continue with annual upgrade license fee.

Mi dos pesos… :grinning:

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Answer me this: How is there still an alpha channel in post production movies?
I very much do not create movies. I only get, umm… produced movies. Even though TVAI can probably do something in the chain of creating CG movies, it never had that in mind as it’s intended user base.

Anyway, I’m not opposed to the idea of them adding support for it, I’m just trying to point out why it may not be one of their priorities—ever. Anyway, if they did add it, it would probably be along the lines of splitting the alpha channel out, and processing it in it’s own pass.
Mis dos centabos.

Alpha channel support must be integrated, as TVAI analyzes the image content and do its thing based on the result.

You can run upscale/retime on a separated alpha channel image sequence, but the result will be different as the image content analysis would be different for the separated A channel and for the RGB channels.

So proper alpha channel support must be integrated, you can’t do it in a separate pass.

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That rules out the separate pass option, but does not answer the question of how an alpha channel is still there in post-production? I really don’t know anything about the use cases for alpha channels. My profile picture was made in Blender, and I saw alpha channel as an option in there, but I never learned the reasons for using it.
Intra-production it makes sense that there would still an alpha channel there. Post-production though, it’s done. It’s ready and in a format for viewing by the masses—and that’s the kind of movie TVAI is targeted at improving.

This is a good starting point to understand alpha channel’s role in VFX:

It is fundamental.