Exported videos are shown smaller than the original videos - what's wrong?


I’m working with Topaz for a while.

Looking at the exported videos, there is an other problem:

Doesn’t matter wich viewer (I normally use VLC Player) -
some of exported videos are shown in much better quality - but smaller than the original videos.
All these videos are exported fro, 720x576 to FHD or QHD (4k)

Any idea why???

Thanx for an answer, Peter

Keep sure that the external video player is set to 100 % zoom level!

yes, it is 100%
I dont know why - but after Topaz many videos are shown like a 75% scale - this happens also when the player is switched to ‘full screen’

try MPV player

Doesn’t matter - same mistake with every player…

please help!

720 x 576 is a different aspect ratio than full HD or 4 k. this leads to some problems. you can either keep the whole image and get black bars on the side or let the application cut parts of the original image away to fill the screen. use the crop function to do this.

720 x 576 is not square Pixel, it is PAR:16x15. you need to convert it to Square Pixel (PAR: 1x1), which would yield a resolution of 720 x 540.
you can use Hybrid for this Read here
Or select Square Pixel Type in TVAI.
Select Custom Resolution when you ready to upscale (in case you converted the video 1st in Hybrid) then you will have slightly smaller side bars and larger picture frame in Full HD (1440x1080 / 4:3).
