I have downloaded and deleted and downloaded again Sharpen AI 4.1.0 and keep getting this message: “Could Not Save Application Data”. “A necessary file for the application to function could not be saved to your application directory. Please ensure the application directory has the correct permissions. Try re-installing the application and contacting support if the issue persists.”
I have downloaded and installed DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI and JPEG to RAW AI without an issue.
This is a known conflict for Sharpen AI. Please follow the steps below to resolve this:
Close Sharpen AI if it’s open.
Open Finder and go to Go > Go to Folder…
Type in “~/Library/Application Support/Topaz Labs LLC/” or you can copy and paste it.
Check for a Topaz Sharpen AI folder here. If there isn’t one, create one and name it Topaz Sharpen AI.
After doing this, please close Finder, open Sharpen AI again, and download the models. The application will automatically download the models due to the alteration of the file destination.