Does Video Enhance AI perform also some denoising?

Hello, new user of Video Enhance AI, here. I bought it today.
I have a question: besides upscaling and enhancing definition extremely well (which is why I bought it), does it perform also some automatic video denoising, for instance on videos taken by night? Thank you.

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According to my experiences yes, it does. But it may depend on the source material if it works well.

Different models do more denoising. Gia does less than Artimis LQ.

Thank you very much!

I would have a similar question, as I have been experimenting a bit with combining VEAI and DeNoise separately. I found that I could improve my video quality quite a bit when I post-processed the upscaled frames from VEAI with DeNoise and only then convert the set of images back into a video.

Does anybody recommend a workflow for such (or a similar) approach, as I see that DeNoise is not really capable of batch-processing thousands if input frames?

Perhaps some of you have experience with running VEAI in the 100% (DeNoise) mode and only subsequently scale up?

Based on 1.6.1 as I have not tested 1.7.1 due to the blocking artifacts:
VEAI 100% does nothing (in my tests). The Theia and Artemis modeis do some denoising, but they also reduce some potential detail that Gaia-CG gives. Theia usually wipes too much detail, making it a poor model for most videos. Gaia-CG tends to amplify noise, but it offers the most detail.

Denoise the images in Avisynth. There are many denoisers for Avisynth (also for Virtualdub), so you’'ll have to experiment. Note most denoising causes a loss of detail. Only QTGMC seems to avoid this.

Here’s the whole process for a DVD concert I’m trying to denoise and upscale (576p is the best I can hope for).
I created the avi with VirtualdubMPEG2 (other Avisynth source filters had frame count issue with this vid). Open avs in Virtualdub2:
QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, EZDenoise=3, NoiseProcess=1, NoisePreset=“Slower”, TR0=1 )

Set compression to Lagarith and Save video (from Vdub2):

In VEAI 1.6.1:
run3 Gaia-CG 2880x1920 400per cropoff

Open in Vdub2:

QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, InputType=1 )
#QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, InputType=2, ProgSADMask=12.0 )

x264 8bit in Vdub2: Placebo Film High L3.2 SAR 1/1 1-pass 10727Kbps

I may have to comment out the CAS line and try again if results aren’t good enough. Note I denoised with QTGMC before resizing. I’ve found it’s more effective this way. See the QTGMC wiki for more info on its pre (intelaced) and post (progressive) denoising settings.

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I having trouble with 2 DVD videos, both due to noise. None of the above helped…
One is pure NTSC video at 59.94 unique fields per second, which works well because it’s a concert. QTGMC does a great job at turning that into 59.94 frames per second. But it has some noise…
The other is film at 23.976fps. It looks clean on the DVD, but after upscaling with Gaia-CG 1.6.1, shows too much noise.

I think I found a way to have 1.2.0 and 1.6.1 coexist and have their own registy entries. It’s a manual process to switch and you can only use one at a time. I’ll explain more if it works.

The point is that 1.2.0 has Artemis-MQ which according to various posts here, does a good job at retaining detail while eliminating noise. I just started it processing the film using the avi from my max detail script:
QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, TR0=1 )

Note the lack of noise reduction in QTGMC. I did that to maximize detail and potential upscaling.
I tried Gaia-CG 1.61 with it and it looked terrible.

I also tried this with Gaig-CG 1.6.1:
QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, EZDenoise=5, NoiseProcess=1, NoisePreset=“Slower”, TR0=1 )
It reduced the noise but there’s still too much noise in the upscaled output.

Hopefully Artemis-MQ upscales without the noise. It does look good in the output preview pane.

Artemis-MQ 1.2.0 delivers the goods. I’m able to take the film DVD to 1280x720 and have exellent detail with much less noise. As is the noise level is ok, but I’m going to try to bring it down just a hair more with QTGMC. This is the correct AR, as the DVD is a squeezed horizonal type. Gaia-CG 1.6.1 could not deliver detail over 1066x600.

Here’s the post VEAI script I’m running today:
QTGMC( Preset=“Fast”, InputType=1 )

I noticed Artemis-MQ 1.2.0 runs about twice as fast as Gaia-CG 1.6.1.

With the NTSC 59.94fps DVD, it looks good at 1060x576 with low noise using Artemis-MQ 1.2.0. Gaia-CG 1.6.1 could do the same resolution, but with too much noise. As it began as letterboxed 480i, there was very little detail to work with, so I’m pleased with the results.

I’ll be testing switching between 1.2.0 and 1.6.1 over several days and will post about it in a new thread.

I use Neat video to clean up the noise on my 1080p timeline. I wonder if it is a bad workflow to input a 1080p video that is cleaned from noise into VEAI?

salut, personnellement, je désentrelace avec le gpu dans vegas pro ensuite, j’utilise VEAI (DIONE DV) pour upscale (même si elle est quand même déjà désentrelacée, cette option me donne de meilleurs résultats), et je traite ma vidéo avec vegas pro, j’utilise aussi les filtres dans cet ordre : flou gaussien, neatvideo, magicsharp, dv fixer, unsharp mask et même un filtre d’ajout de bruit (ça rend une vidéo plus propre avec un grain uniforme et ça permet de ne pas pousser trop fort les réglages de neatvideo pour éviter d’avoir un effet plastic et par la même occasion garder le maximum de détails) ce qui me donnent de bons résultats! :wink:

PS: la vidéo avec VEAI Parait un peu plus floue que d’origine, c’est à cause des filtres dv fixer et unsharp mask qui permettent de réduire les bords noir, mais j’ai passé 4 ans à faire des réglages sur mes vidéos sans VEAI, et la je découvre cette nouvelle version qui donnent de très bons résultats alors je vais peaufiner encore un peu les réglages sous vegas pro après que le traitement de ma vidéo sois finis. (Encore 9h… ) :cry:

hi, personally i deinterlace with the gpu in vegas pro then i use VEAI (DIONE DV) for upscale (even though it is already deinterlaced anyway, this option gives me better results), and I process my video with vegas pro, I also use the filters in this order: gaussian blur, neatvideo, magicsharp, dv fixer, unsharp mask and even an add noise filter (it makes a video cleaner with a uniform grain and it helps not pushing the settings of neatvideo too hard to avoid having a plastic effect and at the same time keeping as much detail as possible) which gives me good results! :wink:

PS: the video with VEAI Looks a little more blurry than the original, it’s because of the dv fixer and unsharp mask filters which reduce the black edges, but I spent 4 years making adjustments to my videos without VEAI, and I discovered this new version which gives very good results so I will further refine the settings in vegas pro after the processing of my video is finished. (Another 9h …): '(

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