DeNoise 2.3.3 Not Updating on Win 10

I’ve tried it (standalone, not plugin) multiple times. Both with auto-update on and with manual update. Running on CPU, which is typically all I can run for Topaz prods.

After making a settings change (in DAI and AI Clear) there is no preview update to the image in the workspace.

Tried uninstalling. But the program is not even showing up in my Win Control Panel Programs list of installed programs. I’m extremely frustrated right now. I had a project to complete tonight. I can’t use the program and I can’t find the faulty program to uninstall it.

I need to go back to a previous working version. It was fine.


Open the Folder where the program is installed and run the Uninstall.exe file. Note that you don’t need to uninstall to reinstall as it will delete the installed app during the reinstall.

Ik loop tegen hetzelfde aan. Bij het instaleren moet ik alle programma`s sluiten, en dus ook Topas zelf, maar dan kun je dus niets instaleren.
Zie graag dat dit wordt verholpen

Welke programma’s moet u afsluiten om Topaz DeNoise te installeren?

(What programs do you have to close to install Topaz DeNoise? )

Ik moet Light Room en Photoshop afsluiten, maar dat vind ik best wel logisch. Maar dat je dan ook het te instaleren programma moet afsluiten is vreemd. Dus Topas sharpen zelf moet ik afsluiten.

Okay. Will try the program folder uninstall.

I didn’t know (you know I’m not tech like you…) if components get spread elsewhere into diff systems folders (like for Ps plugins) & if an uninstaller hunts down and removes those misc elements so nothing is left behind.

Plus, in past, when I tried to reinstall an older Topaz vers over a newer vers the newer one over-wrote the older one and converted it to the latest version.

Plus it’s just weird DAI 2.3.3 isn’t in my control panel programs list…

Whenever I install Topaz products all my applns/programs are closed. Most definitely my Adobe programs. But I also close my calendar app & any running programs to be safe. Ditto for uninstall.

Thank you. Even though I can’t read that, I appreciate you replying!

Als u een update uitvoert vanuit Sharpen AI, zal het Sharpen AI-installatieprogramma de applicatie eerst sluiten.

(If you are updating from Sharpen AI, the Sharpen AI installer will close the application first.)

It’s good to know I’m not alone… :slightly_smiling_face:

The Topaz product Downloads page doesn’t show any “previous versions” for Win for DAI.

Only Mac versions… Hmmm.

Normaal sluit idd de applicatie dan zelf, maar nu werd er gezegd dat ik het moest sluiten, omdat het anders niet verder kon [net als light room en adobe photoshop ] en idd ging het niet verder.
Maar ik wacht gewoon nog even af en probeer het later nog eens.

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Try in the product releases section on this forum v2.2.12 is there.

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I’m having the same problem but on MacOs 10.14