CLI problem with Chronos

This Artemis only works fine:

"c:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Video AI\ffmpeg" "-hide_banner" "-nostdin" "-y" "-i" %~f1 "-vsync" "0" "-avoid_negative_ts" "1" "-sws_flags" "spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int" "-color_trc" "1" "-colorspace" "1" "-color_primaries" "1" "-filter_complex" "veai_up=model=amq-13:scale=0:w=3840:h=2160:device=0:vram=0.9:instances=1,scale=w=3840:h=2160:flags=lanczos:threads=0,scale=out_color_matrix=bt709" "-c:v" "prores_ks" "-profile:v" "1" "-vendor" "apl0" "-bits_per_mb" "8000" "-pix_fmt" "yuv422p10le" "-map_metadata" "0" "-movflags" "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr " "-map_metadata:s:v" "0:s:v" "-map_metadata:s:a" "0:s:a" "-c:a" "copy" "-metadata" "videoai=Enhanced using amq-13. Changed resolution to 3840x2160" C:\video_processing\TVAI_export\

This Chronos + Artemis fails with error:

"c:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Video AI\ffmpeg" "-hide_banner" "-nostdin" "-y" "-i" %~f1 "-vsync" "0" "-avoid_negative_ts" "1" "-sws_flags" "spline+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int" "-color_trc" "1" "-colorspace" "1" "-color_primaries" "1" "-filter_complex" "veai_fi=model=chr-2:slowmo=1:fps=48:device=0:vram=0.9:instances=1,veai_up=model=amq-13:scale=0:w=3840:h=2160:device=0:vram=0.9:instances=1,scale=w=3840:h=2160:flags=lanczos:threads=0,scale=out_color_matrix=bt709" "-c:v" "prores_ks" "-profile:v" "1" "-vendor" "apl0" "-bits_per_mb" "8000" "-pix_fmt" "yuv422p10le" "-map_metadata" "0" "-movflags" "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov+use_metadata_tags+write_colr " "-map_metadata:s:v" "0:s:v" "-map_metadata:s:a" "0:s:a" "-c:a" "copy" "-metadata" "videoai=Slowmo 100% and framerate changed to 48 using chr-2. Enhanced using amq-13. Changed resolution to 3840x2160" C:\video_processing\TVAI_export\
[veai_fi @ 0000028220CCA640] Unable to parse option value "0" as video rate
Filter scale:default has an unconnected output

Any clues on why it’s failing? I don’t even see a switch for video rate. These were copied from the GUI FFMPEG command dialog box, and it runs in the GUI (though crashed after several hours). The CLI seems the only stable method of using TEVAI.

Not really sure, but ‘Unable to parse option value “0” as video rate’ is just a warning. It runs fine when saying that.
My best suggestion is to see what the GUI generates when trying to do those two models at the same time, then modify that to your needs.

The command is directly copied from the GUI. The exported command breaks when I enable the chronos. My guess is, there is a bug with the command export, as it runs in the GUI. I could run Artemis and chronos separately, but that will take 36 hours total.

I haven’t really used Chronos Slomo since they added Apollo. I’ll try a few tests once the current job finishes. I also want to know if running them in the same pass is faster.

I tried a few tests, and they all ran fine. Sorry I can’t find anything to help you.