Canon CR3 raw support

thank you! I didn’t realize this was here so I made another post. please erase the other. sorry! thank you!

I have .cr3 raw on my 90D, but DeNoiseAI still doesn’t work.

What version of DeNoise are you using as the latest LibRAW decoder supports the 90D … but not compressed RAW.

I have an R3. When I load CR3 images via a card reader, the Apple preview States “locked” under the file number. If I drag a file into any of the Topaz apps it looks like a one coloured and poorly focused image. There is no way of unlocking the image, if I try the Apple preview suggest I convert to a TIFF file. several emails to Topaz have not identified said problem but I’ve been informed that the R3 IS supported. The website states otherwise.
help needed please.
PS: Canon say it’s not the camera.

Currently LibRAW, the RAW processor used, does not support the R3.

The supported camera list is here:

As far as I can work out, your editing suite, with the exception of A1, still doesn’t support the Canon R3. For most of the time I have owned said suite, I have not been able to use most of it. Surely a free upgrade for A1 is warranted?

This is a user to user forum so you will need to raise a support request at the main website … I don’t work for Topaz.

Sorry, I misunderstood.