"Bit depth" option is ignored for png export. Result file saved as 16-bit image

Sometimes when I export enlarged image as png, it is saved as 16-bit image, despite “Bit depth” option being set to “8-bit” or “Preserve”. Depending on image, “Bit depth” may or may not work properly. But for the same image, this option works identical for multiple export runs.

Topaz Gigapixel Al 7.1.2

this appears to be an issue similar to tiff files also not saving bit depth correctly in 7.1.2. We are currently investigating.

Could you start a ticket with our Support team so that we can gather more information?

Communication will be much easier that way.

I messaged support with link to this page

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Thanks! Appreciate you letting me know!

Seems like in “7.2.0” the problem was fixed. Until this version Gigapixel sometimes generated 16-bit pictures. After update I wasn’t able to repeat this problem.