Alpha channel retention?

Was wondering where the checkbox for alpha channel went since Topaz Video 5.2.1?
Seems to be replaced with LUT browser but I can’t find where to set the alpha.
Specifically I’m trying to apply slow motion only to a png CG sequence with embedded alpha channel.
Any help is appreciated thanks.

*actually it seems slo mo with alpha is not supported as far as I can tell.
Is this the case?


The alpha channel option is located on the Codec Settings panel, when using a compatible export option.

Currently, alpha is not supported when applying frame interpolation, stabilization, or motion deblur models.

OK thanks for the reply. After poking I found that out.
Makes sense. Do you think that may ever get implemented?
Thanks again.

It will depend on the research team being able to train the AI models to do the task and run the models without having to lose the separate alpha channel info. They are looking into this.

Ah ok cool thanks again