(a dirty little) APPRECIATION POST

I simply HAD to come here and say:

OMFG! YOU GUYS!!! So I am approaching the end of my first year using Topaz products. I just wanted to acknowledge the absolutely INSANE progress you guys have made over the past year, and express my love and gratitude for everyone who has helped make these products what they are today. To say that these have completely revolutionized my professional workflow is an understatement!!! I don’t think ya’ll understand, but truly, I don’t think I have ever purchased software that has had such an impact on my work and seen so much development progress in such a short amount of time.

Sure, I freaked out in the beginning when I first used it (itwassodamnawsome)- yes, I obsessively check for updates on a Thursday… But fuck me - this is just getting ridiculous! The new interface and branding are amazing! And everything has worked so much better and faster since the brand update dropped! What magic are you guys putting into this!? I’m 1000% sure it’s not legal!

Haha, but for real - thank you so, so much for creating, and maintaining unbelievable support and continued development of your products. The improvements every other week absolutely blow me away and to see how far you’ve come in less than a year is just extraordinary! The new UI and brand update is so, so damn gorgeous and everything on the backend works better than ever before! Gone are the days of waiting 10+ minutes to make an image big enough to see into the past.

Topaz is FAST, sexy, and literally an irreplaceable collection of products that have become an integral necessity in my creative workflow.

To each and every talented mofo making my junk tingle every other Thursday. I APPRECIATE YOU! I’m sending passionate virtual hugs and whispered compliments to you all!!! I am a superfan and will forever sing your praises! Alllllllll the love!!!
