Windows 7 upgrade comments

Oh man, this is why I’m sticking with Win 7 on my desktop PC until I absolutely must convert to Win 10. I have nightmares thinking some of my 3rd party (older) plugin filters might be affected and I’d no longer be able to use them (like what happened with my older ON1 filters when I got my current PC), plus I just don’t like the Win 10 interface (which I have on a small laptop now).

Hi Fotomaker, the upgrade process was frustrating, there’s a checklist of things to prepare for but no way to know if something was overlooked, and you’re left guessing. The Microsoft upgrade diagnostic tool provided no assistance or possible reasons for the repeated failure. It’s my work machine, so it’s hard to work a complete rebuild from scratch into my schedule…and I’m skeptical if even that would work given my experience so far. So I’m just going to hope for an extension as I believe they did with XP.

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I’m with you!

As I mentioned above. I lost vital ON1 filters that I’d paid hundreds of dollars for & used every single day b/c they could not be re-installed on my new PC in the past year to year-and-a-half. I would go ballistic if I lost the use of even more of my critical Ps plugins (that are also older and of the generation of Ps CS5 - I hate the newer versions b/c they’ve all morphed into just trying to be knockoffs of Lr or Ps vs being what they were) b/c of some stupid Msft OS upgrade that I don’t even want to do b/c I don’t like the new OS interface.

I’m with you on the extension hopes. I know the praying hands emoji is vastly over-used on social media… But, boy, I’m channeling them now re: this situation… :pray: