Will this PC support Video AI 5.the latest version?

I’m considering upgrading to the latest Video AI 5, but want to make sure that my system will support it.
Win 11 64 bit
Intel CPU 0000 2.20 GHz
Direct X 12
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, VRAM 8067MB
If not, then what would be the most current Video AI version that my system would support?

What do you hope to do with TVAI? DVD to FHD?

What CPU is that?

Yes, DVD to 1080p. That what’s it says when I run dxdiag.

What does Task Manager say it is? (Performance → CPU → Top right corner.)
Your computer should be able to do DVD to FHD. It will be slow. If you can get an RTX 3060 ti, that would cut the time more than in half.

Task mgr says the same. I’m currently running Video Enhance 2.6.4(my original purchase)…encodes at .18(that’s point 18) sec/frame(my old PC a Win 10 32GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT VRAM 4GB took 6+sec/frame to encode. So, with my new PC the encodes are much faster. I’m looking to increase the image quality, even if the time increases. Do you think that paying the $149 upgrade fee will justify any image improvement?

If you are still running v2.6.4 on your system you can download a trial version of v5 to test out in a trial mode and see how it performs. They are able to live on the system at the same time without overwriting each other.

You can access our trials from our Topaz Labs Downloads Page, and when you first install, you can choose the demo mode. This won’t automatically charge you if the product doesn’t suit your needs- no need to log in or provide any payment information to preview the enhancements.

This way you can test it out before purchasing an update plan and see how the performance runs.

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Just FYI, the next time you desire your system information (CPU, ect), just type sys (system info / configuration ect. will automatically just pop up) and select system information from the choices. And on the right panel/window you should see Processor (CPU).

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I’ll give it a shot, and run a test encode.

Yes, tried that also, still shows CPU 0000…I guess I’ll have to ‘pop the hood’, take a look.


You have system instability issues it seems, I’m afraid.

You need to address that ASAP before moving forward to anything else… fast!

I’ve been able to get better results with Proteus 4.
it could be worth it to you. Do test it out first though before buying.

Downloaded the trial version of 5.4, got it installed, and running. How do I view the encode in progress? With my older 2.6.4 version I could view the original video in the left pane, and the upscaled in the right pane. Now both panes show ‘unprocessed’. I have selected all my options, but the controls are all different from what I’m used to.