Why I don't see nerw things?

I’m new! I use Photo AI 3 V3.2.0! But I don’t can see the new things like Lens blur v2 and so on. Why?

You can find these options under the Sharpen enhancement layer and listed under the AI models :slight_smile:

Thanks for your answer. But it is not there! What is wrong?

Let’s try resetting your most recent version release to see if this resolves the issue.

Please make sure you’ve also turned off any firewall, VPN, or proxy that may be on your computer. These are known to block the installation. Also, make sure there are no settings or configurations in your OS system that could interfere.

Try using the appropriate OS system link to update:

If you are still experiencing problems, please reach out to us at the following link:

Topaz Labs | Support Page

Hello John,

Thanks for your help. Now it’s good!

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