Which Lensfun version is used?

Which Lensfun version is used to provide lens corrections? My lens is supported by Lensfun 0.3.3 (the latest version), but not Lensfun 0.3.2 and earlier.

Topaz Photo AI does not seem to be using 0.3.3, as I don’t get lens corrections for my images. Can we expect that the Lensfun support will be updated soon?

Hi. Lensfun 0.3.2 will updated to 0.3.3 at the earliest opportunity

Hope this helps

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Great, thanks!

The latest release of TPAI had a Lensfun update, so I don’t imagine they are behind on updates. So if your not getting lens corrections, there might be other reasons for it.

I would raise a ticket to check that your lens is supported, and work from there.

Thanks, but I believe Topaz confirmed that they are still at 0.3.2, and not the 0.3.3 that I need.

The guy that replied first is not a Topaz employee, and just to be clear, neither am I.

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Thanks, you’re right, I think I will raise a ticket. Thanks!

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