Video Enhance AI v1.7.1

I tried upscale again with my PC (i7-3770, 20 GB, Radeon RX 460 with 4 GB (GDDR5-1750 MHz)).

I used these settings now:

  • A.I. Hardware: Radeon
  • Max VRAM Usage: Low
  • Reduce GPU Load: Off
  • Do Not Download Fast Models: On
  • Default Output location: different as input
  • A.I. Models: Theia Detail v3 with default settings
  • Preset: 600% (maximum)
  • Save Result: MOV (as default)

I can encoded three short videos only, but under fourth video my PC has crashed (black screen, fans spun up, and need turn off my PC and power on again).

Have use any buffer what no cleared after encoded video? Can I set higher parameter to this buffer?

Here is my (renamed) ZIP with log, but I didn’t see anything what help for you. (13.6 KB)

Have it download fast models. You’re going to need them as your card has only 2.15 TFLOPs in FP16 and FP32. My GTX1080Ti has about 10 TFLOPs at FP32 only and it’s way too slow for the number of projects I have.

How warm are things getting in your PC? CPU and GPU temperatures? Is the machine stable when not upscaling?

On my VEAI box, initially it wouldn’t run more than 5 minutes when upscaling. GPU was 95 deg C when the motherboard’s overheat protection shut down the PC. I bought a 5000BTU AC with 2 speed compressor. I run it all the time on low speed. It’s not vented to the outside (purposely so the compressor never shuts off). Just sits on my dresser with the PC next to it. I made a duct out of an old aluminum baking pan and the GPU now runs at 56 to 59 deg C. I did a 3 day upscale without issue and it’s been upscaling 24/7 for a 6 weeks now with no issue. I did notice my electric usage went up about 5KWH a day. I have a split AC system sitting unused. Maybe I’ll make a mini-datacenter room and cool it to 15 deg C and put my computers inside

I tested my PC with a few stress tests (3DMark, PCMark too) CPU and GPU runned always on 100%, but never get overheating or crash. Under VEAI my PC get crash and need shut down, it’s not normally. I use other TopazLabs AI without any problem many times.

After WEEKS of setting up a Windows 10 Pro x64 VPS, I finally go to run Video Enhance AI, and, NOTHING. NO crash, NOTHING. It just, does absolutely nothing when I try to run it.

The ONLY thing I can find, is the registry key gets created:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Video Enhance AI\appMain

Then the value numCrashDumpsLastReported gets incremented by 1 every time I try to run it. I see no crash, no dump, NOTHING.

EXTREMELY disappointed.

Can this not run on a machine with no GPU the way 1.6.1 could? I had NO problems running 1.6.1 on a VPS, OpenVINO even worked.

Well, the “artifacts” appear randomly when enhancing the source and without any upscale. I’ve done some tests trying to minimize those “artifacts” and found out that doing a small upscale the “artifacts” almost gone
 What the AI do or not or how it does it it’s not my problem
 i only expect the best results from a software that costs $199.99. However, thanks for the explanation on how the things work.
Here’s another example from a different source

As you can see Artemis HQ and LQ aren’t doing a proper job.

my numCrashDumps is zero, so I don’t know where VEAI crash dumps are located. For Gigapixel I have a crash folder located in the ProgramData\Topas Labs LLC folder.

It doesn’t make any kind of dump or log file. There’s no event, message, or anything reported to Windows in the Event Viewer. It just simply does absolutely nothing.

I used x64dbg. Looks like it has a problem with an access violation when it tries to load d3dwarp.dll.

Initializing wait objects...
Initializing debugger...
Initializing debugger functions...
Setting JSON memory management functions...
Initializing Zydis...
Getting directory information...
Start file read thread...
Retrieving syscall indices...
Symbol Path: C:\Program Files\x64dbg\x64\symbols
Allocating message stack...
Initializing global script variables...
Registering debugger commands...
Registering GUI command handler...
Registering expression functions...
Registering format functions...
Registering Script DLL command handler...
Starting command loop...
Initialization successful!
Loading plugins...
Handling command line...
  "C:\Program Files\x64dbg\x64\x64dbg.exe" 
Syscall indices loaded!
Error codes database loaded!
Exception codes database loaded!
NTSTATUS codes database loaded!
Windows constant database loaded!
Reading notes file...
File read thread finished!
Debugging: C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Topaz Video Enhance AI.exe
Database file: C:\Program Files\x64dbg\x64\db\Topaz Video Enhance AI.exe.dd64
Process Started: 00007FF6D07F0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Topaz Video Enhance AI.exe
  "C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Topaz Video Enhance AI.exe"
  argv[0]: C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Topaz Video Enhance AI.exe
Breakpoint at 00007FF6D0837F58 (entry breakpoint) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEB7A0000 C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9D20000 C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE92D0000 C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE67B0000 C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll
Thread 1C80 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
Thread 1B14 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
Thread 914 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEA4E0000 C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE89E0000 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC0150000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\opencv_imgcodecs440.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC04F0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\opencv_core440.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC1EE0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\opencv_imgproc440.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE87F0000 C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEB170000 C:\Windows\System32\SHCore.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEA250000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
Skipping unsupported debug type IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_POGO in module cutelogger.dll...
Did not find any supported debug types in module cutelogger.dll!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDD2F0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\CuteLogger.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDD1104960 (TLS Callback 1 (libcurl-x64.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDD1104930 (TLS Callback 2 (libcurl-x64.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD1050000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\libcurl-x64.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDD2C0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\crashpad.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9B10000 C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE98B0000 C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEA310000 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEB290000 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDA150000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\aiengine.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9580000 C:\Windows\System32\crypt32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE97D0000 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD66F0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\videoIO.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE86D0000 C:\Windows\System32\msasn1.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9CB0000 C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8AE0000 C:\Windows\System32\
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE87C0000 C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9BC0000 C:\Windows\System32\normaliz.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8720000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEAD40000 C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE86F0000 C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD16E0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\cudart64_102.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDCAD90000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\msvcp140.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE96D0000 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE1860000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\vcruntime140_1.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDD2A0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\VCRUNTIME140.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8680000 C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9850000 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD56E0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\concrt140.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8650000 C:\Windows\System32\umpdc.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC5E0B4B0 (TLS Callback 1 (libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC5E0B480 (TLS Callback 2 (libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC5C30000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8840000 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDCAD546B0 (TLS Callback 1 (libssl-1_1-x64.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDCAD54680 (TLS Callback 2 (libssl-1_1-x64.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDCAD00000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\libssl-1_1-x64.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEAF60000 C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEB220000 C:\Windows\System32\Wldap32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBFB80000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Core.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8660000 C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE97B0000 C:\Windows\System32\cryptsp.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEABE0000 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7320000 C:\Windows\System32\dxgi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBF9A0000 C:\Windows\System32\D3D12.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDBF151EF0 (TLS Callback 1 (avformat-58.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDBF151EC0 (TLS Callback 2 (avformat-58.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBECC0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\avformat-58.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDBF7BDEC0 (TLS Callback 1 (onnxruntime.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBF310000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\onnxruntime.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC9CCE4A0 (TLS Callback 1 (avutil-56.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC9CCE470 (TLS Callback 2 (avutil-56.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC9C70000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\avutil-56.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC9993BB0 (TLS Callback 1 (swresample-3.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC9993B80 (TLS Callback 2 (swresample-3.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC9940000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\swresample-3.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDBDAF6A70 (TLS Callback 1 (avcodec-58.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDBDAF6A40 (TLS Callback 2 (avcodec-58.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBB830000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\avcodec-58.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBB150000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Gui.dll
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC69E9C50 (TLS Callback 1 (swscale-5.dll)) set!
Breakpoint at 00007FFDC69E9C20 (TLS Callback 2 (swscale-5.dll)) set!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDC6980000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\swscale-5.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDA120000 C:\Windows\System32\vcomp140.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBAD40000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Quick.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD8560000 C:\Windows\System32\mpr.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBA7F0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Widgets.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8530000 C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDE080000 C:\Windows\System32\version.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDA7E0000 C:\Windows\System32\netapi32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBA430000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Qml.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBA2E0000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5Network.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6680000 C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDD440000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\msvcp140_1.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE5800000 C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD1670000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\Qt5QmlModels.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6970000 C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6DC0000 C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8070000 C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6550000 C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll
DLL Loaded: 000001CD188D0000 C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll
DLL Unloaded: 000001CD188D0000 winmmbase.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7BF0000 C:\Windows\System32\dnsapi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7BB0000 C:\Windows\System32\IPHLPAPI.DLL
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEABD0000 C:\Windows\System32\nsi.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7290000 C:\Windows\System32\DXCore.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7CC0000 C:\Windows\System32\netutils.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDBD10000 C:\Windows\System32\srvcli.dll
System breakpoint reached!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE9880000 C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll
DLL Loaded: 0000000180000000 C:\Program Files\Prio\prio.dll
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll)" at libcrypto-1_1-x64.00007FFDC5E0B4B0 (00007FFDC5E0B4B0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll)" at libcrypto-1_1-x64.00007FFDC5E0B480 (00007FFDC5E0B480)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (libssl-1_1-x64.dll)" at libssl-1_1-x64.00007FFDCAD546B0 (00007FFDCAD546B0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (libssl-1_1-x64.dll)" at libssl-1_1-x64.00007FFDCAD54680 (00007FFDCAD54680)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (libcurl-x64.dll)" at libcurl-x64.00007FFDD1104960 (00007FFDD1104960)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (libcurl-x64.dll)" at libcurl-x64.00007FFDD1104930 (00007FFDD1104930)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (onnxruntime.dll)" at onnxruntime.00007FFDBF7BDEC0 (00007FFDBF7BDEC0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (avutil-56.dll)" at avutil-56.00007FFDC9CCE4A0 (00007FFDC9CCE4A0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (avutil-56.dll)" at avutil-56.00007FFDC9CCE470 (00007FFDC9CCE470)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (swresample-3.dll)" at swresample-3.00007FFDC9993BB0 (00007FFDC9993BB0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (swresample-3.dll)" at swresample-3.00007FFDC9993B80 (00007FFDC9993B80)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (avcodec-58.dll)" at avcodec-58.00007FFDBDAF6A70 (00007FFDBDAF6A70)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (avcodec-58.dll)" at avcodec-58.00007FFDBDAF6A40 (00007FFDBDAF6A40)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (avformat-58.dll)" at avformat-58.00007FFDBF151EF0 (00007FFDBF151EF0)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (avformat-58.dll)" at avformat-58.00007FFDBF151EC0 (00007FFDBF151EC0)!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8170000 C:\Windows\System32\ncrypt.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE8130000 C:\Windows\System32\ntasn1.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7A10000 C:\Windows\System32\rsaenh.dll
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 1 (swscale-5.dll)" at swscale-5.00007FFDC69E9C50 (00007FFDC69E9C50)!
INT3 breakpoint "TLS Callback 2 (swscale-5.dll)" at swscale-5.00007FFDC69E9C20 (00007FFDC69E9C20)!
INT3 breakpoint "entry breakpoint" at <topaz video enhance ai.EntryPoint> (00007FF6D0837F58)!
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBA160000 C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs\Topaz Video Enhance AI\platforms\qwindows.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDEA3B0000 C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE4E10000 C:\Windows\System32\wtsapi32.dll
Thread 1154 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
Thread 13B0 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: starting TCrashReporter for app version  "1.7.1""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: starting TCrashReporter for app version  "1.7.1""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: created crashdata dir at  "C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Temp/Topaz Labs LLC/Video Enhance AI/Crashes/db""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: created crashdata dir at  "C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Temp/Topaz Labs LLC/Video Enhance AI/Crashes/db""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: handlerPath:  "C:/Program Files/Topaz Labs/Topaz Video Enhance AI/crashpad_handler.exe""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: handlerPath:  "C:/Program Files/Topaz Labs/Topaz Video Enhance AI/crashpad_handler.exe""
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::reportCrashToAmplitudeIfHadOneLastRun:: Checking if we had a crash last run..."
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::reportCrashToAmplitudeIfHadOneLastRun:: Checking if we had a crash last run..."
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::reportCrashToAmplitudeIfHadOneLastRun:: Crash reported last run. Sending Amplitude event."
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::reportCrashToAmplitudeIfHadOneLastRun:: Crash reported last run. Sending Amplitude event."
DebugString: ""TCrashReporter::cleanCrashesDirToMaxNumCrashDumps:: Checking if we should clean crashes dir to only have 20 dump files.""
DebugString: ""TCrashReporter::cleanCrashesDirToMaxNumCrashDumps:: Checking if we should clean crashes dir to only have 20 dump files.""
DebugString: ""TCrashReporter::cleanCrashesDirToMaxNumCrashDumps:: Num crash dumps is only 9. No need to clean.""
DebugString: ""TCrashReporter::cleanCrashesDirToMaxNumCrashDumps:: Num crash dumps is only 9. No need to clean.""
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE7690000 C:\Windows\System32\ntmarta.dll
Thread 1E98 created, Entry: crashpad.00007FFDDD2CDC10
Thread 1E98 exit
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: start successful"
DebugString: "TCrashReporter::start:: start successful"
DebugString: "16:52:59.436  App Info:  1.7.1 "x86_64" "Windows 10 Version 1909" (unknown-unknown:0)"
DebugString: "16:52:59.436  App Info:  1.7.1 "x86_64" "Windows 10 Version 1909" (unknown-unknown:0)"
Thread 9B0 created, Entry: qt5core.00007FFDBFBA6CE0
DebugString: "16:52:59.436  WINDOWS VERSION IS  10.1909 (unknown-unknown:0)"
DebugString: "16:52:59.436  WINDOWS VERSION IS  10.1909 (unknown-unknown:0)"
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6CD0000 C:\Windows\System32\ResourcePolicyClient.dll
DLL Unloaded: 00007FFDE6CD0000 resourcepolicyclient.dll
DebugString: "16:52:59.468  Available GPU LIST (unknown-unknown:0)"
DebugString: "16:52:59.468  Available GPU LIST (unknown-unknown:0)"
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDDFBE0000 C:\Windows\System32\d3d10warp.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDBA020000 C:\Windows\System32\dxilconv.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDD66C0000 C:\Windows\System32\D3DSCache.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6A60000 C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.appcore.dll
DLL Loaded: 00007FFDE6ED0000 C:\Windows\System32\rmclient.dll
DLL Unloaded: 00007FFDBA020000 dxilconv.dll
DLL Unloaded: 00007FFDDFBE0000 d3d10warp.dll
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
Thread D48 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
Thread 15D8 created, Entry: ntdll.00007FFDEB7D3CE0
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 0
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
Last chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!
           dwFirstChance: 1
           ExceptionCode: C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
          ExceptionFlags: 00000000
        ExceptionAddress: 00007FFDDA1922EA aiengine.00007FFDDA1922EA
        NumberParameters: 2
ExceptionInformation[00]: 0000000000000000 Read
ExceptionInformation[01]: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD8 Inaccessible Address
First chance exception on 00007FFDDA1922EA (C0000005, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)!

Is this thing now coded to only use DirectX in hardware acceleration mode, and not run in software/CPU mode?

I have all of the VC++ runtimes installed. I also have Intel’s OpenCL CPU runtime installed. Dependencies GUI shows no issues.

It seems silly to have OpenVINO which uses the CPU, in an application that cannot run at all without a GPU.

Edit - Aaaaaaand, now that I actually look more closely at the above log, I can see the crash dump files are in the user temp folder. :stuck_out_tongue:

D3DWARP is the software rendering part of DirectX (for systems without GPU’s). Starting with Windows 10 1709, DirectX 12 functions are supported in WARP. So, it appears that Video Enhance AI does try to load and use the software renderer for DirectX. But the AI Engine encounters an access violation when it tries to load WARP.

Are you able to update the system to 2004? Topaz says that “if it works on 1909 go ahead and use it” but that doesn’t mean it will always work, which is why the warning when you install on 1909.

I didn’t actually get the warning.

I don’t suspect that others on 1909 had the program not run at all with no crash message, error message, or Windows event entry. The fact that it seems to be having invalid addresses when it tries to load the DirectX software renderer (d3d10warp.dll) makes me think it’s probably happening due to a non GPU machine.

I can try 2004 but I’m afraid of it bombing the VPS.

So I upgraded the Windows 10 VPS to build 2004.

It had no effect on the problem. :pensive:

The current version is 20H2.

I tried this settings with hybrid software by inputting the png image sequence (out of video enhance upscaling) and render as a prores file. In fact it made it worse. For my eyes the image became much more dark (so changing the gamma too 1.02 and bt470bg didn’t work any other gamma values or color matrix settings I should try?). My input in Video enhance was a prores file which was exported out of Premiere Pro.

I am still looking for a solution how I can maintain the contrast and colors that I exported from Premiere Pro while upscaling it to UHD with Video Enhance as a png image sequence. Which I bring back to Premiere Pro to export the final result in UHD.

Sounds like you didn’t select “TV” for Luma Range.

Actually, it’s weird
 you have to select “TV” for Luma Range if you’re using AviSynth, and “PC” if you’re using VapourSynth.

Won’t affect the issue.

Just as a follow-up. Support help me figure out that my issue was related to trying to process a file with audio. I tried version of the video with no audio and it completed just fine.

Is Gaia-CG still broken? I’ve been working on a project and would love some of the benefits of 1.7.1, but I’m holding as Gaia-CG has looks the best (to me, for this project).

Topaz AI using 100% Current draw allowed by your GPU, it will be using about double the amount than in running 3DMark. Not only that, it’s constant draw 24/7 If your system has any power/thermal issues VEAI will show it.

What you mean by ‘broken’? GCG 1.7.1 gets pretty close to GCG 1.6.1 in quality and I haven’t had too many crashes (but I guess it could crash with whatever model I use) comparing to 1.6.1. In fact I was rendering an project last week, and if it wasn’t for a blackout due to heavy rain, I could be finishing it right now (it was a 8-day project, 8h video from 720p to 5k). I was going to divide it in 4 parts and use 1.6.1, but comparing images from 1.7.1 and 1.6.1 I didn’t see the need to keep 1.6.1 for this project

If you look at the release notes, the quality issue is a “known issue”.

  • Gaia-CG model has not been recovered to 1.6.1 quality.

The video I’m processing looks really, really bad in 1.7.1 but rolling back to 1.6.1 fixes it. I haven’t had any crashing with the program in any version, but the quality is important to me.

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