Video AI v6 export progress disappears

I started an export process so while i was waiting i added another video to work on. I decided to check on the progress of the first video but it was gone but still processing. Thankfully it continues to work but you can no longer see it in the export panel. I can replicate the bug.

Same problem here. I do not attach logs because it’s a well known problem occured previously and it gets patched but now it’s there again. When you have active running export(s) and then do a preview at the same time, then the export tab could gets empty, but encode task(s) is still running. Then when you do a second export, all tasks appear again in the export tab.

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Can you reach out to our support team at with some screenshots or a screen recording of the issue?

With v6, you will only be able to queue up 1 preview at a time. If you have an export running, if your max processes are set to 1 in the preferences panel, it will queue up the preview to start rendering once the export is done. The export should still be there in the export queue under the device tab.

I have rolled back to v5.3.6 since this post but i re-installed v6.01 for you guys so on a fresh install i can still replicate the export progress disappearing. I hope this video screenshot of the process will help.

I have uploaded the video to Google Drive for you to view but i will upload somewhere else if you would like. Please let me know if i can assist more. Thanks guys.

Add video
start rendering preview
quick export
export gets queued till preview finishes.
preview finishes - export starts
add new video

generate preview on new video or play around while other video is exporting and now export process is gone until you wait for it to finish. No idea how long it will take or you close Video AI and everything will come back but if you close i have to restart the export process again.