Video AI 4.0.X - User Benchmarking Results

Topaz Video AI  v4.0.0
System Information
OS: Windows v11.22
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor            63.74 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090  23.59 GB
Processing Settings
device: 0 vram: 1 instances: 0
Input Resolution: 1920x1080
Benchmark Results
Artemis		1X: 	42.82 fps 	2X: 	14.94 fps 	4X: 	05.16 fps 	
Iris		1X: 	39.92 fps 	2X: 	21.35 fps 	4X: 	05.92 fps 	
Proteus		1X: 	39.37 fps 	2X: 	16.24 fps 	4X: 	05.01 fps 	
Gaia		1X: 	15.48 fps 	2X: 	10.56 fps 	4X: 	05.50 fps 	
Nyx		1X: 	17.54 fps 	
4X Slowmo		Apollo: 	44.64 fps 	APFast: 	93.47 fps 	Chronos: 	32.20 fps 	CHFast: 	38.06 fps 	

I use my water cooled PC (CPU+GPU) primarily for gaming and sometimes for video convertig. I have limited my GPU to 350W + undervolted and my CPU is hand optimized and slightly undervolted(CB:R23 single: 2101 multi: 37505). In testing I measured the consumption of the entire PC and came up with 220W-410W(Gaia 4x). When I convert a “normal” video (Motion Deblur: Themis + Frame Interpolation: Chronos Fast + Enhancement: Proteus Enhance MQ) the power consumption is between 420W and 480W, but maybe the tests are just too short to measure the consumption correctly.