Very very slow!

new version 3.2.0 much slower than previous

Please send me your system profile information so I can check if your computer hardware is up to date.

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Please be sure to send me a note here to let me know you sent something.

Hi John,

Thanks for taking my complaint seriously.
I have ai sharpen and ai denoise as well as Photo AI. Denoise and sharpen in the separate programs is very much faster than photo ai even when run consecutively .

I have sent the system profile.

Joel Rosen

To help troubleshoot this problem, I’d like for you to follow the directions below:

Topaz Photo AI | plist Deletion

I will note that Intel CPU Mac devices are slightly underpowered for AI processing and will perform slower. We have some more information on our Topaz Labs Documentation page that I will link below for your review:

Topaz Photo AI | System Requirements

I will note the Mac M-chip machines, such as your Macbook Air are typically more suited for AI processing however you will want to confirm that this machine also meets the Minimum System Requirements.

For the iMac, you can also try adjusting your AI Processor to run on your CPU. To do this, please open Topaz Photo AI, go to Preferences > General , and set the AI Processor to CPU .

Many users with Intel MacOS machines have reported that Topaz Photo AI v3.0.4 or v2.4.2 is most suited for their needs and experiences, as well as better processing times and consistent edits and displays. I have included a link to that those previous version below if you would like to revert to this version for your machine:

Let me know how this goes for you, and if you have any other questions in the meantime, feel free to ask me here.

If i cannot use the latest version, i would like a refund of the $99.00 i paid last week for updates

Please reach out to us on our Topaz Labs | Support Page or you can send us an email at One of our Account and Sales team members will be able to assist you with that refund.