Very slow shopping cart

I thought at first that it was my slower laptop, but when I just tried to purchase my renewals during the BF Sale on my more powerful desktop, it still took about 15 minutes to get from the sale page to the cart, check some boxes, and click the order button. On my laptop I got an error message telling me “something went wrong but check your order history just in case” 3 times!!! Order history showed no new activity having been processed each time. Finally on my desktop, even though it still took way too long to finish, I was able to successfully make my purchase.

Luckily I am a big fan of your software and that’s why I kept trying. But I can only imagine how many new prospects you may have turned away because they got fed up with the site.

I certainly hope your new cloud processing is using different servers than your main site.

Oddly it didn’t take any longer amount of time to download the software. Sent this as a concerned FYI.