[If you are posting a new bug, please include the following]
The bug / behavior you have encountered
Trying to upscaled a DVD Rip of “Butterfly Effect” Movie. Somehow upscaling always crashes towards end of movie, no matter, which upscaler is used (Proteus, Artemis, Dione…), or how much memory gets reserved (10%…100%). Happens on my Mac Mini M1 with 16GB Memory, but also on a WIndows Laptopp with Ryzen CPU and NVIDIA RTX 3050 Ti Card. -
Your system profile
a) Mac Mini M1 16 GB
b) Laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, Nvidia RTX 3050 Ti Graphics and 16GB RAM
THe attached Logs are from the WIndows System -
Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support)
logsForSupport.zip (9.5 MB) -
Any screenshots as necessary
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