Unable to install Topaz Video - AVX instructions - Windows 10 - AMD 3800x -

Good afternoon,

I want to install the Topaz video AI in a Windows 10 with a AMD 3800x CPU.
I get following message:

Your CPU must support AVX instructions to install this program.
If I’m not mistaken, my CPU suports AVX and AVX2.

Can some one tell me if I’m doing something wrong?
Do I need a never CPU? O.O

Thank you very much.

I tryed to install the “old” version 2.6.4 Version trom Topaz video and it works without any problem.
I can start, no issues found.

It’s just the new version 3.0 that does not allow me to install it.

Found the solution.

Install the latest version 3.0.7 and this error will not appear.
Nice! Now I can start doing some tests!