Since updating the program I’m unable to change the intensity of adjustments within the sharpen feature (the only feature I use). None of the sliders will move and I’ve restarted the program and my computer many times.
I just did the update as prompted by Topaz AI and it did nothing. I still cannot make any adjustments. I included a screenshot below showing how the settings are stuck for sharpening.
And I’ve sent the dxdiag file via the dropbox link. Thanks!
After reviewing your system profile information, I noticed that you only have about 1GB of VRAM, while our Minimum Requirement; this is more than likely the reason you are experiencing these problems. I have included a link to our Topaz Labs Documentation page for your review:
We do have Topaz Photo AI v3.0.4 and v2.4.2, which may give you a more stable application for this machine. You can use the following links to download these installers for your review:
Newer interface that all v3 have, but v3.0.4 does not have the new Autopilot updates
Can sometimes work on underpowered machines, however will be slower than v2.4.2
Please be sure once you have chosen a version and have downloaded the application, make sure to go to Edit > Preferecnes > General > AI Processor and set the option to CPU . Using the CPU is not ideal since the CPU RAM memory is not dedicated to graphics, but it can give you better performance for this machine.
Let us know how that goes for you or if you have any issues in reverting to the previous versions releases