TVAI 5.1.3, bottom frame cursor bug

If you completely drag down the bottom frame, you can’t retrieve anymore.
The up/down dynamic cursor never appear. You have to restart app. to recover it

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered
  2. Your system profile
  3. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support)
  4. Any screenshots as necessary

[Please be sure to have searched for your bug before posting. Duplicate posts will be removed.]

Are you referring to resizing the entire app window?


I dragged it to the top bottom.
On first try it locks 5 pixel from bottom.
If you catch it again, and again drag it to top bottom it does go to bottom but cursor vanished, nor more possible to reup it

I did while I was encoding :joy: so I can’t reproduce it untill 22hour else I ruine my job

  • Drag the frame down " Source + Previewe/Export frame" until the cursor allows it. (around 3 pixel from top bottom).
  • Repeat the same drag down, now the cursor can go to full bottom, release. " Source + Previewe/Export frame" is completely filling the screen.
  • Try to catch back this frame to reup it : Impossible. It was possible in all previous version. So Topaz bugged it while introducing new timeline.

This equals “Full screen view” + “Show pannel” from menus

EDIT : Temporary solution found CTR+F and CTR+F

Thanks for that additional info, I’ve just confirmed this and put in a bug report on our end!

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