TPAI opens off center hiding top bar and mouse loses focus when selecting options

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Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
    Open TPAI either by plugin from LRC or direct from Win 11
    TPIA opens off center, obscuring the menu bar at top of TPAI.
  2. Step 2
    Clicking on recommended adjustment selects a wrong adjustment, somehow TPAI acts as though the cursor is NOT on the intended action.
  3. Step 3
    Mouse up to top of screen, drag TPAI window down until resize icon is visible (mouse and cursor is accurate and can select the resize icon), Click to resize to full screen, PROBLEM SOLVED and TPAI works fine.

This behavior started one or two updates ago on a different machine running windows 10. Purchased new machine and installed TPAI, same behavior.

Topaz Photo AI [v3.3.3] on Windows 11