Topaz Video AI v3.0.3

Someone on this thread mentioned setting the power management mode to prefer maximum performance on nvidia cards. I can confirm that it did change my RTX 3080ti from using ~30% to ~90% while processing from 480 to 1080 using the Proteus model. At least, as shown in the Windows Task Manager.


In that case the RTX 30x0 series cards don’t make the grade. From what I can glean from the Nvidia GeForce RTX series are only up to level 8.6. - They don’t appear to list the RTX 4090 on that page yet, but the Nvidia RTX 4090 product page does say the GPU supports compute 8.9.

It sounds like it is time to install The 4090 card I bought on the day of release. (I sometimes procrastinate

I have exported AV1 using a 4090 with Topaz 3.x

Hi - can you please turn “Enable Detailed Logging” in Preferences on, reproduce the crash and send me your log file from the same crash session from Help > Logging > Open Log Folder? If you can also let me know what your GPU & CPU type are, please.

As for Stabilization, could you send me a screenshot of the white screen you’re getting and send me the original video?

Thank you,

A new version is now available.