Topaz Video AI User Experience Survey


would you like to fill out my form about your experience with Topaz Video AI?
It’s only 5 questions, and it will take you a minute to complete.

I’m doing research on Topaz Video AI user experience for my undergrad project it would be really helpful if you could share your feedback.

You should add questions about the user interface. The version six interface, as it stands, will prevent me from renewing my licence.

You can rant about the user interface in the last question. I did.
I think a question about the desired output would be useful. LIke maybe people that want 8K output are less satisfied than those that want 4K output. And I only want FHD output, and maybe I have even less problems than those that want 4K.

i wont be renewing after they broke the UI in 6 and removed the ability to add presets to multiple clips
such a retarded upgrade, feel scammed