January 25, 2025, 12:17am
Topaz Video AI ver. 6.0.2
macOS 14.7.2 (23H311) Sonoma
Every time, without fail, when Topaz Video AI 6.0.2 is quit the macOS throws up an error message: Topaz Video AI quit unexpectedly. Error log is attached.
Topaz Video AI Quit Error 2025-01-25.txt (148.1 KB)
Can you send the app’s logs (not the Apple crash log):
To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.
Feel free to email them to us at help@topazlabs.com
January 27, 2025, 11:26pm
Dear Margaux
Thanks for responding. Please find the requested ‘Logs for Support’ zip file attached here.
The reported problem persists, after a restart.
Kind regards
Hamdani Milas
logsForSupport.zip (307 KB)
Same problem here. I’ve reinstalled - same error.
Any solutions?