The dev explicitly said that would not be the case, and they would continue local rendering. Technically his reply allows for a move of local rendering to Pro, but I didn’t get the impression that was their intention.
I hope you are right. time will tell. Dont; get me wrong i love the work and science they put in (and i will happily pay for that), but i am getting annoyed by the amateurism regarding releases and backwards compatibility/consistency.
I love introductions of new modes. I will test their behaviour, if its better i’ll use them, if not i stick to the previous model versions no hard feelings. But please, please get some consistancy in the manual parameter inputs in existing/old models. Their behavious can suddenly change from one release to an other. This release amateurism completely disqualifies Topaz as productionlevel toolset.
" illetarate" That’s funny.
Hi everyone,
Want to keep you all in the loop here: our QA and AI Engine teams are currently working on reproducing the VFR export issue, and so far we have not been able to replicate, even using sample files provided by users in our support tickets.
For affected users, could we get the following information?
- Input codec and container
- Output codec and container
- GPU model and driver version
- TVAI app version
Thanks so much, we’re really hoping to solve this one ASAP!
I fully agree I even left rheia in favour of proteus v4 for native hd source material enhancement running it in normal mode which says to correct slight out of focus but actually accrding to copilot it actually does enhance. remember the days we complained about Proteus to sharp or not geared towards faces I can assure you current proteus v4 models do not have this in the end topaz has a model that fits nearly all
I have to admit I do not scale or change the audio in Topaz i first use Video proc pro to generate a HD file with selecting the interlace and autocopy feature use h 265 use auto set the gop 30 h 265 and adjust the mp audio to aac 160 or keep the it when dolby digital and adjust to hd enhance 16"9 use cropsettings adjustment when necessaey and expand and high quality In minutes your video is topaz ready it has all the proper input I mean autocopy ensures that a 1 to 1 copy is made
Then I import use Topaz only enhancement copy audio only copy no increase no x 2 just input is output
No recover detail the detail is now perfect enough better than you watched it originally rheia is not good for nothing anymore
your TV or Open PLI player will scale it properly from HD to 4 K even the cheapest Open Pli sat receiver will do a proper job as mediaplayer and scaler of course your Yamaha receiver will give you AI sound and your LG TV with AI logic will generate the required HDR On the fly. All is AI yamaha does Dolby atmos without at mos equipment and LG will do HDR for content using AI
So yes Proteus is all you need one exception when you have converted tapes with a hardware converter the only way to get it right is to use interlaced to progressive in topaz and use iris lq v2 somehow topaz is able to correct this and create a real progressive video in other cases the mediainfo will show progressive, but forget it happily copilot was here to help most hardware converters do a very bad job the converters make a digital produkt, but it is mismatched with the source data. The result artifacts after using topaz in progressive and interlaced mode are gone.
Thanks for this I stay on 5.3.5 no matter how many emails i get to upgrade.
There’s an issue with motion interpolation: encoding a longish video(10+ min) at 60 fps results in a 55 to 57 fps video. Also 30 fps videos result in 27ish fps videos.
Reverting back to 5.3.6 fixed this issue.
The GUI crashed several more times. ffmpg was still running on fine though. Here are the log files. (1.9 MB)
Interesting how people do things differently. My general TVAI workflow consists of upscaling my 1080p Blu-Rays to 4k. Even though my LG G4 is a good TV, I don’t trust it with high-quality upscaling. A TV, no matter how much A.i hype they try and sell me, simply can’t produce the same, dedicated, high-quality output that TVAI offers, in ~1/24th of a second. The TVAI enhancement is usually Proteus v4 (and sometimes Nyx v3). Recently I’ve been adding HLG (High Luminance Grading) to the mix, in a VapourSynth post-process script. Like:
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core
core.max_cache_size = 65535
import havsfunc as haf
vid = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(r"h:\veai/Firefly 1 -- Serenity (Pilot)")
vid = core.std.CropRel (clip=vid, left=4, right=4, top=2, bottom=2)
vid = core.resize.Spline64(vid, width=3840, height=2160, matrix_in_s="709", format=vs.RGBS)
vid = core.timecube.Cube(vid, cube=r"C:\VS\plugins\BT709_to_HLG.cube")
vid = core.resize.Spline64(vid, matrix=9, format = vs.YUV420P10)
vid = haf.MCTemporalDenoise (vid, settings="very low", stabilize=True)
vid = core.cas.CAS (vid, 0.9)
vid = core.neo_f3kdb.Deband (vid, preset="veryhigh", dither_algo=2)
vid.set_output ()
(The cropping is needed as TVAI almost always distorts the upper and lower lines of the video; bug nr. 658)
This produces an official HDR output (HLG), but not PQ. Maybe, one day, when TVAI gets PQ right (and easier) I will let it do PQ too. For now, HLG is aleady breath-taking enough (but no magic: you can’t replace an artist manually applying accents).
Also, I never let TVAI do audio. And even contemplating such a thing would be lunacy for me. I mean, does Topaz have a commercial Surcode license to recode DTS Master Audio? I thought not. All TVAI needs to do, is not go to VFR (hint), and then I’ll mux the original audio back in at the end (possibly converted to lossless PCM, to remove DialogNormalization).
Found em. In an email, it now says 1,000 credits go for $250.
Odd. Okay, currently rendering a job, but will create small sample when done. At least glad you’re on it (but also therefore not solved in v6, I take it).
Okay, managed to replicate it. I zipped the logs, plus a sample clip of the video that is bugging out.
I’m unfamiliar with this ticket system, though. So, where do I send the logs?
Nyx processing is now significantly require much more time than before on my first use of this version, do any one feel the same?
Is it trying to encourage user to use cloud export with this trick ? I hope I am wrong. Will load an old version and do a test later…
I already provided my data, but just in case let’s recap. Important: this VFR issue manifests only on Windows, not on macOS.
- This happens with more than just one codec and/or container. Normally my input codec is usually AVC in an .MP4 container. But sometimes it’s H265 in a .MKV container. So this is probably not the issue.
- Output codec and container doesn’t seem to be the issue either. I tried with H264 and H265 input with output both ways.
- GPU model RTX 4090; driver version 566.14 from November 12, 2024. But it also happened prior to updating the drivers, when I had 561.09
- The only thing that really matters is the TVAI version. This started happening with v5.4. The previous version v5.3.6 doesn’t show this behavior. Again, only on Windows, macOS is working fine.
Used mediainfo v24.11.1 in text mode and Debug → Advanced Mode to get the attached text files. Other than some added context at the start of the txt-files and change of filename and path, the output from mediainfo is untouched.
Edit: GPU-model and driver: HP RTX 3080 10Gb Rev A1, GPU Code Name: GA102-202, CUDA DLL: nvcuda.dll - nVIDIA ForceWare 566.14, nVIDIA Studio Driver v566.14 endEdit
Example1_input1.txt (10.6 KB)
Example1_output1.txt (11.1 KB)
Example2_input2.txt (12.0 KB)
Example2_output2.txt (12.3 KB)
Two different examples:
Example 1 / input1.mp4 - Downloaded video, otherwise untouched before processed by TVAi.
Example 2 / input2.mp4 - Downloaded video, manually encoded with ffmpeg before as you can see in the txt file, before processed by TVAi.
These are only 2 examples. Almost all videos I’ve increased FPS on have resulted in VFR(except perhaps 2-3 videos). Tried all interpolations models except for Aion, several times, both with and without any other enhancements. Tested different output containers/parameters and input containers/parameters.
I read on here somewhere that using mkv as output container works - tried that. Sure, mediainfo says it’s got constant framerate, but it’s lying. A simply remux to change container shows VFR.
I’ve forced CFR with ffmpeg on a few of the vfr output videos, which has worked (kind of, since it just duplicates frames, or removes frames where the frame rate differs from actual):
-vf “setpts=PTS/1,fps=60” -fps_mode:v cfr
Sure, it’s not ideal. But end result is less than a few tens of a second down to milliseconds different in total time, and a few frames might get duplicated or removed to achieve it, although, a minimal amount (most I’ve seen is some 20-30 extra/removed frames).
I’ve not owned TVAi for more than a couple of weeks, and have been using v5.5.0 until yesterday, when i downloaded 5.3.6 to test it after reading comments on the forums. Had it Interpolate + Enhance 6 different videos running non-stop for about 16h. All completed with a constant frame rate. This I’m sure you already know, but i thought I’d add it as extra context to rule out user error as much as possible.
Interesting I never heard of VapourSynth but see that there is a lot of Python in it and quit a lot of you tube tutorials. By the way my TV does not do the upscaling but my satelite settopbox does which is an Open PLI 9.0 and has 4 Gpu’s Just add a USB 3 harddisk of 20 TB and you have a Mediaserver
Open Pli updates every week and it only gets better and better so my TV does no upscaling only uses it s AI magic
I let Topaz only do Enhancing this is what it does best
most of us probably 96 percent don’t care about your cloud service fix the product already
Especially because cloud service only offloads actual processing. Unresolved problems with enhancements just get done faster and at a higher cost.
also then your material. is out on the interweb and if they get hacked etc