Topaz Sharpen eGPU issues on macOS


I have recently tested 2 eGPUs on my Mac Mini 2018 i7, 32GB on Catalina 10.15.7. - RX 560 (4GB) and RX 5700, (8GB).

While I understand that RX 560 might not have a big advantage, there should be advantage for RX 5700. And it is so when using RX 5700 with Windows 10.

Testing the same 172MB .TIF file in Sharpen 2.1.8. (Stabilize, 50, 50, 0.) resulted in:

Time it takes to process the file in W10:
Medium eGPU memory - 3.48;
High eGPU memory - 3.21;
CPU - 4.01 minutes.

Same settings on the Mac:
MAC - CPU - 4.00;
MAC - eGPU - 10+ minutes

… What kind of issue is there with the Sharpen macOS version?

I don’t believe eGPU’s are supported yet. Please enquire by raising a support request at the main website.

The Question Should Be do they use OpenCL If So a patch can be used to support EGPUS.
For Windows I see than adding Cuda libraries (Nvidia ).
Affinity Photo Is Using OpenCL on Windows So are the Other Products.

That isn’t the question, lots of apps don’t support eGPUs

I know Though OpenCL is in Affinity Photo,Divinchi Resolve,Premier Pro. :slight_smile: