This is a very frustrating issue. Topaz PhotoAI since the last update (I don’t know what version I originally installed) has not been properly creating Lightroom stacks after an image is finished processing. It does properly generate a new .dng but doesn’t import it alongside the original image in Lightroom.
Steps to reproduce issue:
- Select an image and go to the ‘Develop’ module in Lightroom Classic
- Select File → Plug In Extras… → Process with Topaz Photo AI
- Tune/accept parameters and press Export to Adobe LrC
- Wait for file to finish processing. The processed .dng is on the filesystem but a stack is not created in Lightroom Classic, making the file hard to work with.
I tested yesterday and this issue does not occur in Windows. Only Mac.
Topaz Photo AI [v3.0.4] on [macOS Sonoma 14.5]