Sorry, I fully agree with the OP Jacek and disagree with the reply of “Fotomaker”. ProphotoRGB is a common color profile for many serious photogs. I have confirmed and posted the issue of green and desatured colors in the TPA preview once the processed Tiff-Files converted from Raws in C1pro are opened in the TPA PS Plugin: Topaz Photo AI v2.1.3 - #19 by wolfgang.jaekel.
Quite a few other users also reported and confirmed this. I personally uploaded 3 files for a proof and a check as requested from the “product specialist” (Lingyu) , too but have not got any feedback from him to date. Others have contacted the support without any solution either. The issue was in TPA 2.1.3, 2.1.4. and still persists in 2.20 now. That’s annoying and NOT acceptable, though I understand and accept that mistakes and issues can happen and I have been patient so far. It’s no minor bug, though. As posted earlier, it’s no issue in v2.1.2, Denoise Ai, Sharpen Ai and Gigapixel AI stand Alone versions - and in no other color sensitive program either. And it’s consequently not related to any individual hardware (GC) or PS setup and definetly not related to a wrong profile or miscalibrated monitor. So I really wonder if the developpers and support have even acknowledged and got notice of that issue until now or just ignore it. BTW, I just had paid for the extension period of TPA in November.