Topaz Photo AI v1.3.1

What computer system are you using? Do you know where to find the Logs that might help the devs figure out the issue?

It sounds like you were able to open prior PAI releases in that version of CaptureOne. Yes? Or, is this your 1st time working with the program?

Iā€™ve been working with Windows 11 with Capture One for many years and I have been working for a long time and had no problems until a few days ago.
Do you mean the log files?
2023-04-24-21-20-10.tzlog (12.3 KB)
2023-04-24-21-22-7.tzlog (86.7 KB)

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Thatā€™s good to know - if those are the Logs generated by the attempt to launch PAI hopefully it will help the devs. If itā€™s a one-off issue then the Topaz Support team at the main website (under ā€œSupportā€) should be able to help. For now, hopefully, the devs can assess if a general 1.3.1 issue for CaptureOneā€¦

@yazi.saradest @anthony.lawn

With AI v1.3.1 Autopilot failed to recognize motion blur in an image and I was unable to make it do so - apparently no way to change the sharpening process.
I had to use Sharpen AI to satisfactorily process the image !
Is that normal ? Would you fix the situation to allow the user to change the mode ?

Autopilot will never recognize legacy models ( motion blur, lens blur ). please check preferences .


Hello, Iā€™m using Windows 10 and have Topaz AI crash reasonably often. I would welcome any thoughts on this. I like the program very much otherwise. Thank you.

Iā€™ve just installed v1.3.1 after having not been happy with v1.3.0 (which caused me to revert to the earlier v1.2.10 for better results).
Now with the latest, v1.3.1 and having done a few test runs, I am now back to loving this program again.
The return of the Lens + Motion Blur controls as choices alongside Standard and Strong models is so logical. As I have said previously, one size does not fit all and choice is paramount!
Hats of to Topaz, you listened and responded quickly and very well.
For those who have not yet updated or have just started with Photo Ai, please remember to turn on the ā€œLegacyā€ sharpening models (Lens + Motion Blur) from the EDIT tab + go to PREFERENCES + GENERAL, you will find it there.
Many thanks - Ken.


Are there any plans on having Photo AI be as good at sharpening as the older Sharpen AI was? I know combining programs was meant to streamline the process to one app but I have yet to achieve the same great quality sharpening with Photo AI that I have with Sharpen AI.

Photo AI has two modes, two sliders in one and one slider in the other while Sharpen AI has ten models with two parameter sliders under each. Photo AI simply will not work with some highly blurred images whereas Sharpen AI can easily fix the problems

Is there a reason Photo AI is so so inferior in functionality than Sharpen was?


Itā€™s the same for Denoise AI. Iā€™m doing a lot of landscape photography. Denoise AI is able to remove noise and obtain fine structures like meadow or gravel. Photo AI most of the time removes fine structures.
Unfortunately, Denoise and Sharpen AI have been more or less abandoned. My support period is about to expire, and because of the lack of updates for the ā€œoldā€ apps and a Photo AI app in constant beta state, I probably wonā€™t pay for another year.


Agreed; especially when each update changes/removes features.

Have you tried enable legacy Sharpen Models in Preferences.
You should able to get back motion blur and lens blur.

Even if you enable legacy models theyā€™re not up to the level which is still offered by the Sharpen AI standalone app.

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Please follow the instructions here to fix this issue with the Capture One plugin.