So I know I haven’t posted in about two weeks…kind of the holiday rush but also didn’t want to bog down this thread with every single update. During the past two weeks, I thought my issues somehow disappeared. But since they came back and I’m just taking a breather from the frustration, I figured I’d update what’s going on.
On my last update, Photo AI suddenly started working. I could not think of anything that I had done to my system other than update Gigapixel AI (at that time I had updated to the version before the 8.1 Gigaprint feature update). I was told that they were two separate programs and updating Gigapixel shouldn’t have affected Photo AI. Either way, all my apps were working and of course I went right to work on everything. I’ve tried RAWs, JPEGs, I had put in folders with 50 files in it and would just edit away. I even worked on a picture that was a 7000 pixel TIFF from Gigapixel and all of that went off without a hitch. I couldn’t find anything that broke any apps
Last week the Gigapixel 8.1 update came and I updated to that, with nothing still happening. This past Monday, because I still felt my Mac feeling buggy, I’ve updated to the 15.2 MacOS system and that still didn’t do anything
This morning, I was working at home and I did some work. One project on Photo AI and another separate project on Gigapixel AI. So far so good. I headed over to the office…and while I’m typing this I just remembered that at some point in the office I had found an updated for Video AI, 6.0 I think and I had updated it. I have no idea if updating Video AI did anything…however I was scaling up a picture on Gigapixel AI and left that running in the background while I was typing away at something. After some time, I went to check on Gigapixel AI to see how it was progressing. Only to not see the app anywhere; it closed. So I opened Gigapixel again and opened the image from the history section above the tools and Gigapixel crashed again. So I decided to open up PhotoAI and see what I could do there. Just like before, shortly after opening the photo, it would crash.
My afternoon was spent attempting to use either of the two apps with no luck. On Gigapixel AI, I decided to try to upscale using the cloud render options. In a few minutes, I got a solid black image of the dimensions I was looking for, so that pissed me off.
Back at the office, I tried again. Here I just saw Photo AI now had an update and updated to 3.4 to see if that would fix anything. No, Photo AI is back to how I remember it originally where it just keeps crashing no matter what JPEG, TIFF or RAW file I have it try to load. On Gigapixel, I got it to upscale the photo I was trying to work on as long as I used the basic low-resolution model and not the Generative model (realistic). When that project worked fine, I tried Photo AI again but it still crashed.
Again, the only thing I can think of that happened between this morning (when I used Photo AI and Gigapixel AI with no issues) and all the problems when it all started this morning, was that I had updated Video AI. I know it was said beforehand that all these apps are separate but I’m not sure what else it could be. Right after updating Gigapixel about two weeks ago then Photo AI started working with no other explanation and worked fine no matter what I threw at it. Gigapixel worked fine too (I had no projects in Video AI so I wasn’t using it). Then this afternoon I update Video AI and I am back to my original issues with Photo AI and depending on what model I use (the Generative - Realistic so far) I can crash Gigapixel AI
I guess since there are three apps and I keep wondering about them all it makes my feelings trying to troubleshoot daunting and exhausting vs if it was just a single app.
Here is the logs of Photo AI (the first one where everything worked fine and the last log at version 3.3, before I updated to 3.4
2024-12-18-11-00-45.tzlog (238.4 KB)
2024-12-18-14-22-49.tzlog (47.8 KB)
For Gigapixel AI I have the first log where everything worked, then when I got back to the office and it crashed on me the first time and lastly the last log where I managed to make it work using the basic AI - low res model
2024-12-18-10-31-54.tzlog (360.8 KB)
2024-12-18-11-04-43.tzlog (430.9 KB)
2024-12-18-16-36-5.tzlog (22.4 KB)
Hopefully this is helpful to somebody. I appreciate everyone who has been helpful. I’m not sure if anyone from Topaz Labs has reached out on here, or to some of the others that have added to their experiences on this thread…but hopefully this is of some help to someone. Thanks again