Topaz is incredibly slow with large video files

Since it loads thumbnails in the timeline every time, the program becomes incredibly slow and unusable with large video files. Could there be an option to disable these thumbnails?

I saw that too. It takes several minutes to just generate the thumbnails from a movie file …

thumbnails? is that a 6.x thing ? can it be turned off ?

yes I think this is a fairly new feature and certainly very helpful for many users, but for some use cases (such as large video data) an option to not create the thumbnails would be helpful. Unfortunately, this option does not currently exist or I could not find it.

I sometimes have 8K videos in ProRes 422 HQ that can be 20-30gb in size. Depending on how fast the network or the hard disk is, the creation of the thumbnails can take 5 minutes because it has to read the whole file.

I can’t speak for others, for me thumbnails is UI space waste and worser now it’s lowering performance. TVAI is not a video editing software where thumbnails are usefull. So it’s implemented, but there should be an option to disable it.


this is scary.
my prores files often have 300gb in size.
i have no time or interest in having thumbnails generated.


So you have to buy a 6000 MB/s SSD for faster thumbnails :crazy_face:

me neither, but as someone mentioned before this is not how it works here I am afraid. :pensive: