Just updated Topaz Photo AI to version 2.0.0 and using Affinity Photo Version 2.1.1 on Windows. When trying to use Topaz Photo AI from ‘Filters’/‘Plugs’/‘Topaz Lab’/‘Topaz Photo AI’, dialog box appears saying ‘invoking plug in’ but shortly after, dialog box labelled ‘Topaz Phot AI Cannot Proceed’ with message ‘Error: plug-in has crashed’.
Prior to update Topaz Photo AI ran from Affinity as a plug in and Topaz Sharpen and Topaz Denoise still currently run from Affinity Photo.
Topaz AI does run when activated from the desktop icon.
Have checked in Edit/Settings/Photshop Plugins and it shows that Topaz Photo AI is detected.
Under ‘Plugin Search Folders’ I have tried finding the folder containing the plugin file which i noted from the previous version was at C:Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI\photo.irdevplugin but this also didn’t fix the issue.
Steps to reproduce issue:.
With an image open in affinity Photo persona and a pixel layer selected.
Click on Filters/Plugins/Topaz Labs/Topaz Photo AI
Thanks for feedback,good to know I’m not alone, you do start questioning oneself! I noted that under Denoise and Sharpen folders there are folders for PS plugins and within these folders there are files that I think are used as the link between Topaz and Affinity for example tltopazsharpenaips.8bf and tltopazdenoiseaips.8bf. I have searched for similar files throughout my C: drive using *aips.8bf hoping to find one that contains the characters topazphotoai or similar, but none found so I’m hoping the community or someone from Topa Labs can offer a solution.
Thanks again for taking an interest in my issue, I seem to have solved the problem. I found that when I updated to Affinity 2, Affinity 1.10 was not uninstalled so I tried using Topaz Photo AI 2.0.0 from that Affinity Version and it worked. Upon checking the path to the PlugIns for Affinity 1.10 I found a version of the file TopazPhotoAI.8bf with and install date of 4th September 2023, so I assumed the Topaz update installed the new plugin in the older version of Affinity. I then copied the above file to the default folder for plugins indicated in Affinity 2.0.0 and presto it works. Hopefully, future version updates of Topaz will not cause the same issues but at least I think I will be able to deal with it if that’s the case.