Topaz 3.0.2 don´t work as a module extern with Lightroom 5.7

i have the same problem with the 3.0.2 version of Topaz Photo AI as with the 3.0.1.
Using it as a module extern in lightroom 5.7 it gives me the message “Could not find namespace Lrsocket”. How can I fix it? Or did you fixed it already? Have I missed something here?

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

Unfortunately, Lightroom v5.7 is quite outdated and does not support the latest features and modules required by Topaz Photo AI.

Our application is designed to integrate with more recent versions of Lightroom, which include necessary updates and support for external modules.

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After updating drivers and installing version 3.0.3 it works. Unfortunately i don´t know if the problem was with the AMD drivers or the problem was solved with the update. Thank you very much for your support!

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