Titled: “Big Islands Yellow Tangs”
“The Yellow Tangs of the Surges and their impossible life”
Developmental history in brief:
Created by Digital Paint brush, unknown number of personal photos, worked and blended, used 4 or 5 editing programs, re-blending some of the original photos to bring a bit or reality back into vision,(this is done many, many times through out the entire piece keeping control of the strength of the effects), a few photographs from my photo grab bag, (years of collecting reference photos), Yellow Tangs?, a photo I took of a few schools of tangs some from salt aquariums one), photos taken in an tropical fish store, First step was playing around, built a background (turning good and failure photos into abstracts not knowing what the end piece would be), I then saw a underwater reef, but that was just still in my imagination I had ot make the scramble into one that would look like it to others with normal vision lol, went back into my abstract starts, where I had an abstract not finished, of yellow tangs of the Big Island, So this concept was already started long ago and remained rattling around in my head, then started over laying, building, editing, painting, erasing here and there, leaving here and there, overlaying some originals to re focus the work, and , 2 years later today, it is finished
Titled: “Big Islands Yellow Tangs”
Thank you friend[quote=“CabanaBoy, post:3, topic:817, full:true”]
Really Nice. I am a fan of Yellow Tangs!
“The Yellow Tangs of the Surges and their impossible life”
Ya me too, the yellow is so pure and bright, Maybe you all know this but, the Yellow Tang gets its name because of course the bright yellow but for the “Tang” nature has placed two black sharp barbs at the end of its tail point forward, one on one each side t very dangerous for any predator to attack from the aft end. So they do not have many enemies if any, predators, somehow long ago were given the knowledge that the sea possesses, that universes posses, and has taught all living sea life the facts of everyones defenses, Life is strange, I feel there must be a knowledge stream, our left alive energies, all living things have blending with all that, that has enter upon passing. We meet our families? all is known? energy supposedly can not be destroyed? Every life is made up of energies?,onward, ot the sea again,
I stood and watched a school of about 100+ while I stood on a lava wall breakwater.
In front of the wall the lava formed inlets cracks, and taped as it reached out beyond the dry land which disappears sliding down beyond the edge of the lava where the surf landed, lava at one time flowed down the side to create these underwater mountains of these Islands,
The surf rises as it charges in allowing the sun to glow through exposing the school of a 100 yellow darts following each other I can not help but think that they are in some way connected . I watch them positioning back and forth finding safety during the thrust of currents to darting back to the moments of relaxed water grabbing bits of the new food just brought in.
All done at the last minute as dictated and in-between the underwater current flexing and relaxing.,
We see them run and hide as they detect it was go to shallow, then dart back gathering in the depth of the surf as it is stopped, piled up by the lava breakwater wall, Darting in finding the bits of food seconds later darting back out avoiding the coming of the shallows,
As one stands watching this repetitious activity taking place, it is at every swell that rolls in,
I cant help think how impossibly easy this innocent interaction takes place, or looks as it is easy.
This rhythm though takes place on every single swell, all day long, all night thru. 24 hours a day for millions of years, A constant unbroken supply of the yellow cloud that has been present since its evolution. Always on the go, sleeping eating as it happens “The Yellow Tangs of the Surges and their impossible life”
Poor Nemo, right how, temporarily, he is being rowed in a dory to a dentist, but never fear,Dory will sink back into the sea and help Nemo out of the bag and the, man will be rescued by a passing sea turtle taken to a jet stream and escorted by 100’s of marine life forms back ot land where he changes careers from fisherman for the aquarium worlds to conservationist devoting his life to riding the Oceans of all types of plastics, and will never be the same again, leading a non drunken life to the age of 103 and will go into the record books of the man that eliminated all plastic from the sea.
OMG!!! please dont get me started I have responsible things to be and do, thnkx for thecomment