Support | Photo AI for iPad

Since Ipads now boasts the same M1 chip found on the macbooks and other line-ups, will Topaz Photo AI or other products such as Denoise AI, GigaPixel AI, Sharpen AI ever going to come to Ipad?

I agree

I take it from the above then that the answer is no?

There are no yes or no answers, it is a post where users post an idea for development or enhancement of applications and add their vote for it.

After that it is up to Topaz Labs.

While traveling, I find myself without my desktop. Instead, I’m limited to my iPad, which has Lightroom and Photoshop for iOS. This means that I can’t “work” on my pictures fully until I get home and can fire up Topaz Photo AI.

It would be just fantastic if you could develop an iOS version of Topaz Photo AI that works with the Lightroom and Photoshop iOS versions.

Thank you and please keep up the good work.


Agreed. My workflow is to travel with my iPad Pro and it would be wonderful to use Topaz products on the iPad.

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Bringing this up again. I would like to have TPAI as an iOS app very much as well - and I’m sure that I’m not the only one.

@rsppilot Thanks for sharing your workflow.

I agree, having a mobile app would be great. However, because of how resource-intensive Photo AI is, I don’t think it’s possible at least in the immediate future.

We unfortunately cannot prioritize this AND continue building out the web version as well. However, this totally makes sense for a lot of users and when we have the capacity, it’ll definitely be at the top of our discussions list!


Hi there!

Ok, I’m an Adobe CC user, designing graphics, magazines etc. I discovered Topaz AI a while back, tested it on some of my work, and had surprising results, good show!

So yes, just subscribed and installed it on my older MacBook Pro. The thing is, while thinking of an upgrade for this laptop, I really was seduced by the newer IPad Pro, Seen the capacity and usability it became part of my kit.

Although the Adobe programs aren’t up to date on the iPad, they are moving towards these users, and helping us to deliver quality on the go.

So seen the discussion here, I do think it has its merits to think about some kind of workaround, maybe with a site we can access to make our changes using a phone or IPad?

So please, for those of us who are into a more dynamic workflow…

Thanx, cheers.


@alain.vangaal I can see how this will make some workflows much easier especially people who work on the go. At the moment though, we don’t have the capacity to build a mobile version of Photo AI.

We may consider it in the future. In the meantime, we’re gearing up for launching v2.0 on September 7 which is a major update!

Just wanting to keep this request near the top of the queue. I just renewed my ownership of Photo AI - keep up the good work, Team Topaz.

I’d really love to be able to run it on a high end M2/M3 iPad eventually.

I suppose a web version would be ok but an iPad version would be so much better for my use case and many other folks as well, I suspect.


Thanks for the kind words!

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De nada!

Still enjoying APAI quite a bit. Most user friendly of the bunch and with enough control over the effects I find it very useful.

Be well,


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I agree with you. I need an iOS Version for my iPad!


Topaz Photo Ai is really good but because my workflow revolves around an iPad these days I haven’t renewed my Topaz Subscription this year. Topaz doesn’t fit into that workflow. I’m actively looking for an alternative that will fit into my iPad workflow.

An iPad app should be at the top of your piority these days - even above a web app. With iPad’s now running the same M processors as Macbooks theres no reason why it shouldn’t be possible. The recently announced 2024 iPads now have the M4 processor.


Will we see a IPad version of Topaz Photo AI being released anytime soon? A bonus would be to have also get Gigapixel, Sharpen and Denoise in Ipad versions as well.

I am a travel photographer and my workflow is totally based on my Ipad Pro (12") with affinity Photo and several Apps. It would be a great relief to implement the Topaz AI “step” in this IOS flow.

Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, due to how resource intensive the AI models are, the program can only be run on computers. We don’t have plans to make a mobile version at least for a long while but I can definitely see how that would be useful.

Thanks for your response @tim.he, but I need to call you out.

iPad Pro and MacBook Pro have exactly the same M2 processor.

Topaz supports much worse hardware including my MacBook Pro 2018 with Intel Core i5. It can achieve such feats as running Chrome with 20 tabs open.

I understand there my by valid reasons to be unable to develop typowa for iPad (I am a developer myself), but insufficient hardware simply isn’t the case.


Photo AI and Video AI also require at least 16 GB RAM, which only the highest-end iPad Pros (M1 or M2 and 1 TB or 2 TB storage) have. Given the small number of iPads that meet these requirements (I “only” have an M1 iPad Pro with 8 GB), it’s likely not worth making an iPad version.

But in general I think you’re right that there is no hardware limitation for Photo/Video AI to run on some models of iPad.