Studio 2?

Is Topaz Studio 2 history? It is no longer advertised anywhere on their website. If so this is sad as it is probably my favorite app of all their products!

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It was updated recently for Big Sur, but it’s certainly not being pushed. You have to scroll to the bottom of the Topaz start-up page and click on Products and then click again on a link on the next page!

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Just checked…it is there at

Since they recently updated the installer I am still hoping they will get back to development to add layers. Love this and the original Topaz Studio.

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I did end up finding the page, but it is funny it is no longer listed on their products page.

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I think the focus is the AI products right now.

I got my Topaz Studio 2 back when it was free and you paid for some premium filters. I went to the referenced site and found TS2 is now being offered for $99. But it’s not part of my annual Photo Upgrade Plan (upgrades still listed as free). Now that there’s the potential for a line of revenue, perhaps there will be a higher priority for improving features and adding new features to TS2.