Split preview unsynced

Dear community

The frame compare with slider does not work properly. If you pause preview playing and slide cursor, the frame used for compare is not the same bteween “before” and “after”, so it is hard to see the true difference and adjust settings accurately.

Topaz Video AI v5.0.4
System Information
OS: Windows v11.22

    • CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 32-Core Processor 31.899 GB
  • Memory Type DDR4
  • Memory Size 32 GBytes
  • Channels 4 x 64-bit
  1. GPUs
  • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 7.9605 GB ( Adrenalin 24.4.1)
  • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 7.96 GB ( Adrenalin 24.4.1)
    Processing Settings
    device: 2 vram: 1 instances: 0

Capture d'écran 2024-05-27 151631
Capture d'écran 2024-05-27 151651

Best regards

Been a known issue for ages and as you say is frustrating.
I have found setting the slider back to the preview begining, hitting play then pause seems to bring it back into sync.

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Thank you for your fast reply !

Giving a try to your method after my current encoding.

Also I noticed that after being processed, the preview frame rating is very slow as if it was computed again. i have to fully watch the preview scene, to watch it in a second pass for the godd frame rate.

Is it a normal behaviour ?

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That I’m not too sure on sorry.

Thanks anyway, I am doing some tries and share them with community.
Also going to browse community posts. :blush:

Currently testing with 2x RX5700 XT, then 3X RX5700 XT, then 3x RTX 3070

EDIT : Your tip works perfectly, tanks !

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