Solution for artifact grids with Topaz Gigapixel and Photo AI

Hello, I see that many people have the problem of an artifact in photos with gigapixel, a grid/frame appears on the photo. It’s very disturbing! Has a solution been found? Sincerely

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Typically, this conflict is caused by your systems hardware limitations or using a RAW file from an unsupported camera.

Supported Camera’s list for Topaz Photo AI
Supported Camera’s list for Gigapixel AI

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I’ve reviewed your system and this is not the cause for your artifacts. Can you tell me more about the photo and camera model used when this conflict arises?

the grid effect appears on all photos with topaz gigapixel that I use or noj topaz sharpen before, the effect is more or less different but present depending on the modes in gigapixel. I use a Nikon Z 9 with uncompressed raw files.

The Nikon Z9 is not a supported camera within Sharpen AI. For Gigapixel AI, are you uploading a HE file?

hello, however sharpen seems to work well with the Z9 when I use it. For gigapixel I don’t use HE file. These are the uncompressed raws.

Hello. Very surprised to see that my cameras are not supported. Fuji X-t5 and sony A7RV. Any reason for that? In any case, this should only matter if I use raw files, not JPEGs, right? Thank you,

It seems that version 7, which I just loaded, corrected the problem or at least made it barely noticeable!!!

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Correct, this will only apply the RAW images. You can convert to DNG using the Adobe DNG Converter: Adobe Digital Negative Converter

Also, if you haven’t reviewed before, we do follow LibRaw 0.21 for supported cameras.

Thank you for your answer. In that case, I do not understand why I have the artifacts. The PC specs are enough as far as I can tell and I work on JPEG files.

DxDiag.txt (117.5 KB)

I see that your GPU drivers have a recent update.

Please update your drivers and see if this alleviates your artifacts

finally after other tests the grid effect still appears!!! whether on TOPAZ AI or GIGAPIXEL!!

can you tell me which version of Photo AI and Gigapixel you’re running tests on?

the latest versions gigapixel7,1,2 and photo AI 3,0,1

I think a lot of people have the same problem but don’t see it! I realized this when printing photos in large format (a disaster), and looking closely at the photos we find this grid effect also with sharpen, topaz AI, in lightroom when you push the sliders (texture, clarity , veil correction, and shadow…) the fence appears! even with all the latest versions

Same Problem here, with 8.0.3. Not depending on any format. Whether Raw or JPGs I got fine grid after upscaling. On MacStudio M2 Ultra 192GB RAM.

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It’s totally insane that a top of the line popular camera like the Sony A7rmk5 is NOT supported by this 200 dollar software. Why in hell’s name did I buy it?

Is there any solution for this issue already? I have a Sony A7III (compatible) and even on the latest version 3.4.2 having the squares artifact no matter what. Thank you :slight_smile: