Sharpen AI latest 2.0.0 upgrade

Hello, in Topaz Studio I keep getting a pop up saying Sharpen AI v2.0.0 is now available, I install it but 2.0.0 does not open in Topaz Studio. Is v2.0.0 a stand alone only? I hope I’m in the right category for this post…

I had this same problem so I uninstalled both versions of Sharpen AI and then reinstalled the latest. Now it opens in PS6. Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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Did you find a solution. I have a stand a lone copy of Lightroom 6 and it will not link to the new Sharpen programme. Version 2 opens as stand alone but if I go through Lightroom it keeps telling me there is a new version and to download? The old version will still open. I hesitate to remove it presently as there appear to be problems with it. Thanks- not use to this format .

nfranko, No I have not found a solution other than the stand alone. The old version still works in Topaz Studio, I uninstalled the old version and reinstalled version 2.0.0 with hopes that would work with no avail. I was able to reinstall the old version by going back to my downloads for v1.4.6 and it still works. On another note, there is an upgrade for Lightroom 6 at the Adobe site to 6.14.

Les2monty, Thank you.

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