Selecting small amount of video results in very large "duration" file

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered

Select about 30 seconds of video (mkv, or a converted to mp4, doesnt matter). Pick “descale and interlace to full HD” preset. Export. Open the file in any media player. shows a duration of 32:15, and will stop playback if you try to use the timeline. Also, in VLC, “ipmc” error and there’s no audio with audio mode “copy”

  1. Your system profile
    Not sure what you mean by this… (488.4 KB)

  2. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support) attached

  3. Any screenshots as necessary

[Please be sure to have searched for your bug before posting. Duplicate posts will be removed.]

Could you upload a before and after to my Dropbox for testing. You can securely submit your files(s) to our Dropbox using the link below. Please be sure to send me a note to let me know you sent something.

Submit File to Dropbox

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